
I work in real estate. In the state that has the highest foreclosure rate in the nation.

@Sceeerutinizer: Thank you for this. This totally brings back some childhood memories growing up in Scotland in the '80's.

Well, at least we know why they also built the worlds fastest super computer - something has to process all that data.

First off I think the WSJ is correct and honestly I think it's just too late at this point. I'm sure they will sell but I think its not going to be as stellar as they (Apple Records) think. They've been holding out as long as possible and they just waited too long. I was a pretty big Beatles fan but now I'd be

@lyleleander: Seriously? Did you even read my post? Just the first sentence made it clear that I think what this guy did was wrong.

Let me first say that I do think that what this guy did was wrong, especially the threats.

As someone that lives in Ski-resort country and spends a good chunk of my winter on the slopes I fail to see the value in this. I don't see that many kids falling off too early. What I DO see is kids either not getting on soon enough (lift attendant usually not paying attention) or WORSE - kid forgets to even get

You can do this at home and it tastes so much better. Just take heavy whipping cream, sugar and a licquer and whip it to the right consistency. For example we've been using Grand Marnier and putting it on pumpkin pie and it's fantastic.

With the data plans costing that much and such little data its as if Sprint is saying "Yes, we want a tablet on our network but ... we really don't want you to actually USE it on our network".

Enough people have commented on the moral issues at play here so I'll leave that alone.

I've read a lot of comments on here that mention something along the lines of "if he'd just done X, Y or Z he could have avoided this".

@Tommy Five: I hear you on the Physics side of it but the TGV trains are able to operate in the Channel Tunner (31mi) at 186mph.

Almost 30 years and 155mph is as fast as the trains will go? Trains were going faster than that then...

Why is yesterdays annoucement viewed as the "iPhone is coming to Verizon" moment?

@Tetsuooooooo: Current limit is 6 devices. And let me tell you how frustrating it is to have to go and deauthorize one to authorize another once you've hit that limit. I'd literally pay Netflix more to have more devices but no dice yet.

There are only two reasons I can think of that Apple didn't release an EV-DO iPad.

@JimAtKSF: LOL - I thought I was the only one that thought the same thing.

IMHO, just like you fire up Front Row when hit that button on the Apple Remote, OS X will fire up iOS on your 'Mac' so that you have a touch operating system when you want to use the touch screen. iOS will be able to acess your Macs filesystem and you'll be able to fire up Safari, the iWork apps and much more. I

If you want to see what the new GUI will be just fire up iTunes 10. It seems like the window elements of iTunes are a precursor to how the next version of OS X will look.

Although not a fan of reality shows in general I hate to admit that I'm into Top Chef and the Top Chef Desserts so watching this video and the process/skill involved is pretty impressive.