It’s showing it to you in your own time zone, not hers. I assume she’s in Eastern and you’re in Pacific?
It’s showing it to you in your own time zone, not hers. I assume she’s in Eastern and you’re in Pacific?
Yeah, I get my work email on my phone, but I get no notifications—I’ll look at it on my own schedule, thanks. (Then again, I keep my phone silenced and in do not disturb, so I’m not really beholden to texts, either—only the hubby and my mom get through.)
There’s something inherently sad about the crushed salt and vinegar chips. I mean, they’re already salt & vinegar, and now they’re crushed too? T_T
Possibly they’re pulling from McCarthy-era DoD thinking—which was that if you were gay, you were a security risk, because that secret could be used to blackmail you... Kind of a moot point when you’re out, because you don’t have a secret that can be used against you, but since when have these people bothered to…
I am legitimately confused. Stephen Marche is the titular grown man, right?
I think this is a reference to how audio description was initially not an option? But a few days later, they added it, which is not an automatic process, implying they had it in the works but it wasn’t an option for day one. Not saying it wasn’t a “real” issue, but they addressed it quickly.
A+ etymology rant.
After I told my mom that I did so well and repeated what he said, I wasn’t allowed to do the bike-a-thon anymore.
It’s not right. It’s a reference to a phenomenon that occurs in many animals, in which the rest of the body doesn’t stop moving just because the head had been removed. The chicken has been singled out due to the phrase “running around like a chicken with its head cut off”, meaning frantically or aimlessly running…
I think the question really is why people feel like sprinting across a map needs to have a consequence. If you need your running to have consequences, go for a run. If you’re in a game, do you need to be slowed down for literally no reason? If the other transportation options are the focus, why have sprinting and…
For that matter, why can’t three people, or more? That’s one part of the slippery-slope argument that I legitimately hope holds true—if people want to be polyamorous, who am I to get in the way of that? It wouldn’t do a thing to my marriage, and would probably make for a more stable home life—imagine if you could have…
At first, I thought her tweet was maybe saying that the officers involved were the thugs...unfortunately the follow-up tweets cleared up that misconception.
HAH. KAY-RO. (Originally from Macon.)
I was pleasantly surprised once by my boss understanding me pretty much completely in the way I aspire to appear to others. Granted, she’d known me five years and we’d worked fairly closely—but I was still surprised that it was working. (Not that I’d ever tried to “build a personal brand”, but I’d long ago recognized…
Legitimately can’t tell if Josh Groban is making a fart joke, or just really happy with vegetable sources of protein.
Those poor, poor creatures and the indignities they suffer, just to become a sub-par sandwich topping.
Let’s not forget that rights are apportioned according to weight—it’s just unfair that a one-pound preemie has more rights than a two-pound fetus, that’s just science.
Also every reigning monarch of England since the 1400s.
I am concerned about your brain. I mean, okay, Mickey Rourke 20 years ago, maybe a little greasy, but still a certain, as the French say, I don’t know what. But in Iron Man 2? To each their own, I suppose.
I really enjoy your responses to all the troll-y bullshit. Wish you didn’t have people bugging you for having the temerity to hold an opinion that differs from theirs and express it openly on the internet, but I appreciate that you leave their posts up so that others can see the crap you put up with. Still, I do wish…