
It's both a student conduct and campus safety issue, and therefore any act of discrimination or assault (as defined by university policy and at least partially mandated by federal regulation) needs to be reported. Police are involved if the act constitutes a crime (as defined by local, state or federal legal code) and

I'm so sorry to see that you've attracted the attention of someone who either has a fundamental misunderstanding of the topic or is possibly performing a too-in-character send-up of the thinking of these entitled jerks. Just wanted to say, there are men who don't think that way, who are trying to help shut these jerks

Pretty much, yes. Also inappropriate to hit on anyone at their job, or in an elevator, or basically anywhere that you're trapping someone in an unwanted social interaction.

Just wanted to say thanks for calling this shit out. I know it's still a threat to you, even if it might be less of one than if you were female. I found myself the other day not quite wanting to admit to someone that I enjoy games... and I've been at it for thirty years now. These bastards are driving me away from one

...this would actually convince me to drink a pepsi product. (Not that I'm a coke fan, I just don't like sodas unless they're mixers, so I'm already weird.)

I really don't get why people are all that up in arms. You know the best way to get kids not to look up stuff about sex online? TEACH THEM ABOUT SEX. Answer their questions, before they find their own answers from really poor sources. If every time your mom caught you with porn in your browsing history, you got a


I think it's maybe from Oregon? I first had it in Boston.

I think you really need to examine for yourself whether you should get out of that relationship. If he's aware that you don't like something, he should be respectful of that. You should also in a relationship be free to say no at any time. If you don't feel up to it and he does, then he needs to go masturbate and

OMG PYRAMID APRICOT ALE have not had in c. 17 years

I tend to say "basically" when I'm about to launch into a complicated explanation. Which, yeah. No sense.

8.2, not bad. Thanks for this.

It would make sense if it was from the Mayfair Witches series. All the women kept the name Mayfair through 13 generations, and it was pretty well established that most of them in the line could have had trouble determining paternity. Plus, there was the bit of icky where for a few generations they all had the same

But, 311 has some fun rhythms, which could bode well for case 1... listening to Foo Fighters isn't so bad, is it?

That's one I've never understood. How would legal prostitution help anything? By taking out his urges on someone for whom it's a job, who in all likelihood has been forced, coerced, or at the very least financially pressured into the occupation? If that's all it took, a little bit of a release valve, then maybe they

Yeah, I can't help agreeing with that. My first thought on that example, though, was if you're going to give them the choice, why did you already pour it? Why not sidestep the tantrum entirely by asking the kid "do you want the purple cup or the yellow one?" If they play the "no, I wanted the other one" game, just

Yes, because those are valid type indicators. But you also don't need a test to know, just a few friends. And also the sorting hat takes your preferences into account.

I was left in the car when I was a kid, too... with the car cranked and the AC on. I often didn't care for stores as a kid, and didn't take that "it's a waste of gas" excuse.

Doc, well stated on that second response. Noob, if you're out there to see this, you just got the same advice from a straight guy that I just gave to a friend a few months ago, and I've been out for 20 years, and in a committed relationship for 8. Get involved in things you care about, focus on being as comfortable