
She's not wrong about the effects of a constant feeling of fear, of being under siege, of being treated as subhuman. Read up on PTSD in survivors of abuse (both physical and emotional) and other forms of interpersonal violence. It's not completely the same, of course, but that doesn't mean it's not similar. If you

Okay, so maybe you're joking, but no. Completely different.

Is this a satirical take on it, or are they legitimately taking the Chick tract at face value? I guess I'm wondering whether this is worth watching for the laughs or just another horrible sign of the mainstream prevalence of idiot christianists, like the creation museum?

Are we talking about the little sliver that's basically his silhouette? Kinda cheating to make him so tiny, if they weren't going to bother making him to scale relative to the people.

*Say it with me.....RELIGION.

Mmmm... bara.

Now, go back and imagine that whole thing being read in Carrie Brownstein's voice.

Also, as a current librarian, I wish people would stop conflating barcodes with spine labels. I appreciate that you didn't. The tumblr post is cute for its references, but the case is poorly argued and all of the questions could have been addressed quickly by bringing in an expert witness—in this case, pretty much any

Yeah, that can work with someone generally being a jackass, but it's horrible advice for a child. I had a person I was working with say to me once, "I can't tell if you're really being nice or if you're just really fake." Because I was at work and couldn't really go off on this person, I just cocked my head to the

They've been on there before. The list is done yearly, from reported challenges across school, public, academic and other types of libraries. This is just this year's most-frequently-challenged, not cumulative of all time. The ALA has been compiling this report annually for decades, and I believe most, if not all,

Yeah, le sigh. At least she'd have some real-life experience to bring to the role, but I would hope that it's not hyper-sexualized. I mean, as much as you can make it when you're talking about a movie based on mahoujo clothing-fetish anime.

Neptune. But her general demeanor is more Mars or Uranus. Honestly, she'd make a pretty awesome Uranus with her hair shorter. But I'm probably just applying similar vocal characteristics. Honestly, I've been impressed with her acting when people have let her just act—she could probably do a good job with most of them.

That mascot name may be the first good thing I've seen come out of South Carolina since Stephen Colbert. (I prefer not to believe in South Carolina. I mean, can anyone be sure it really exists?)

Can I just say that now I want a hibiscus-infused organic-kale coconut-paté smoothie or something? That sounds delicious. Maybe with just a hint of that Himalayan rock salt to accentuate the natural sugars.

I knew a little about this, but didn't realize it was so extreme. That's horrible, and I'm glad he's helping others. I know wrestlers have some of the same issues, because of restrictive weight classes that are in place to ensure a fairly balanced competition, but since you've at least got the option of a higher

Gotta call bullshit on that one. Guns allow distance, knives require up-close and personal. Talk to veterans who've killed with guns and with knives or their bare hands, see which ones bother them more. Plus, much more likely to kill rather than merely injure with a gun, and much easier to take down someone who's just

FYI... as someone who engaged in gender studies classes in the mid-90s and saw this document in the wild in its early days... this is and has always been satire. It's a humorous look at some of the strange ideas people had about LGBT people, framed as a sort of safari guide. It was never meant to be taken at face

Let me introduce you to an uncomfortable fact: Race is often relevant, regardless of whether we'd like that to be the case or not. Asking the question is not "try[ing] to stir the race pot". For the record, the "race pot" continues to be stirred: take a look at…. Only by openly

Yep. Studied the messaging around the debate in undergrad. Each side framing the debate according to their own principles. Still, pro-choice advocates tended to have the more logically and ethically sound arguments. The pro-life arguments were mostly pathetic. (BA-DUM-CHING. That's my little Aristotelian joke.)

Why does it seem so hard for people to understand that pro-life and pro-choice are not opposite sides of a single debate? It's absolutely the case that Cox is both pro-life and pro-choice, and that is not in any way a contradiction. People on the anti-abortion side choose to frame their arguments as pro-life rather