not so much a specific car, but i'd be embarrassed (and have been on more than one occasion) to be driving a car with a busted muffler/tailpipe...
not so much a specific car, but i'd be embarrassed (and have been on more than one occasion) to be driving a car with a busted muffler/tailpipe...
sorry guys, i already have the letter 'F' trademarked, they're so fucked.
@Yurikaze: thus the qualifier "might"...moving on.
this might qualify under 'drifting', but i anticipated Civic owners to be on the list
the statement seems a little contradictory....other companies used alphabet or color...we wanted simple, so we used shapes and colored them....
@nateilage: people like their pets, that's my guess for the massive turnout
coming tomorrow: Z & M Customs declares super-duper bankruptcy
RIAA officials in every household! Just like having 2 moms, and this one makes your own mom seem cool.
@Sean Oliver: i'd rather have something that doesn't exist, just me
"(insert car brand/model here) sucks! My (insert family member here) had one in 1975 and it (rusted away/broke down/smelled funny).
the new level of poser cool
there's perfectly clear instructions in your iPhone app "VW for dummies"
i want to know what cars Akerson has owned in his life and if he's ever changed his own oil.
@RenegadeRon: find the top edge of the blue handi square and follow it to where the middle of the spot you speak of is, probably wouldn't come much closer into frame than where Kim Kardashian's name falls in the article
try the crab juice, goes great with kalkalash
it's a good thing apple only makes gadgets, i'd hate to think of the 'rules of operation' that'd come with anything that took half a brain to use
so, I use Windows and my computer has a greater chance of being infected, you use an iPhone and have a greater chance of being infected?
anyone else think those two are goofy looking enough to not need to show a shitty photoshop of them looking like vampires, in the visually subtle way Giz takes jabs at anything not related to St. Jobs and the Jesusphone?
@mrxcel: the grading scale stops at 10, we'd have to reinvent it for that to happen