technical difficulties

@Mad_Science: i'm reconsidering my "organ donor" status because of you

not quite mini, but my guess is something like this

please tell me chevy will not follow this move with the uber-mulletized NASCamaro

So many Chinese manufacturing practices are criticized, yet their products are welcomed with open arms.

@stupid jerk: for that matter, any hot rodded Ford coupe, and the 2nd gen. F-body mentioned by the venerable pauljones holds a very special place in my heart. screw abroad, i'll take it wherever i can get it.

i used this image in the "what's your dad drive?" QOTD last week, but i'd imagine this would be pretty unique to the European crowd.

@engineerd misses Uncle Pete: so long as you are not worried about having sexual relations with any of the women you rode the elevator with, then no, you should not apologize.


here we go...

stuff like this that makes you hope the law steps in and takes action against the msu boys

@Doyle McPoyle: it's probably been a while since the math department had 105,000 paying spectators at a math-a-thon

even growing up outside of Cleveland, i've always had a special little ball of pitty in my heart for the buzzsaw...i'd love to see them spared an embarassment at the hands of the steelers.

shoulda been you, Dick Jauron.