
Just like going to an airport and suffering with Boingo or staying at a Mariott where the wifi is free in the lobby but not in the expensive conference room that you are paying for......

My name is Joe Toedtling and I am a Guiness World record holder and Galaxy Note 7 owner.....

And a Harley....

Oh we had the water you’re drinking....specially brought in for you from Flint.

“Turns out MCT can go well beyond Mars, so will need a new name…”

At least I got to bang all your hot bitches when you weren’t around...

What if ??? Mythical creatures are already on Facebook and Craigslist Personals......

Don’t think this will packing toxic waste in bio degradeable containers.

Cigar ashes are good for plants too.

Oh by the way.....we had the water you’re drinking brought in all the way from East Chicago....

Get your hands off my damned dirty humans !!!

Right, it has to be frozen. However, the headlines keep popping up about finding an “ocean” .....

We are seeing water everywhere. Water on Mars, Encedelus, Ganymede, Europa, and even the Moon. Is it just wishful thinking ?