There are some very affordable homes around Blue Eye and Hollister (south of Branson) that with very little down you can end up with a house payment that is pretty close to the box rent but includes equity. You are also close to Table Rock Lake and not too far from Brans-Vegas.
Needs the fast food computer control with voice module. That way it can speak bad english, give you wrong change and get your order wrong so you will have the full experience.
By the way....we had the water specially brought in from Flint.....
Your mother was driv.....
My God !!!!! It’s full of stars !!!!
How to land a professor and get all A’s
Children.....Look !!!!......Scabs.....
Same here.....
My God !!!! It’s full of stars !
I live 1 hour west of U of I “Chambana” (Champaign-Urbana) and have heard of their breakthroughs in high speed transmission and it’s amazing .......and I write this while connected to my Comcast cable modem.....sigh....
I can help you with that list.....