If it were above his butt......it would truly be a “Trump Stamp”...
No budget since last year. Businesses leaving. University and state workers getting laid off. Roads and bridges falling apart.
Isn’t she insanely wealthy now ???? and famous ???? I think she needs to quit while she is quite ahead....
Totally safe.....
My God !!!!! It’s full of stars !!!!!
It would be really cool if the Maitlands would have a cameo in it or maybe the Dietz’s......
“Opportunity took 11 years to go 26 miles...”
Snotty beamed me twice last night...it was wonderful !!!!!
By Grabthar’s Hammer......you will be missed.
This guy should have got a reality and not the Browns who turned out to be fakes up in Alaska....ooops...I mean Texas...oopps...I mean California.
God’s Wife - Why is Mercury so dark ?