
It’s a Hoverboard because its got Powwwaaaa

That’s right sir.....I’m Blond.....Jane Blond......

Bond...James Bond.....

The oldest object in space.....

Watson interface complete...........

Everyone knows if you want an accurate measurement you need to use a Medical Tricorder.

Mine seems to be working just showed that I jacked off for 3 miles last night........

Virtual awards for virtual pilots.

Maybe you should ask the folks in Hinkley what toxic is....

Due to problems on Earth, fracking was used on the Moon where it has been safe for decades......

“when thing turned cold..”....heated underwear, jockstraps and condoms coming soon.....

In the time it took to write the proclamation...the friggin leak could have been plugged !!!!

Why do they keep calling the circular VR cams 360’s ??? They arent ! All they do is produce a barrel shaped video. If it shot a top and bottom then they could call them 360’s !

Your kidding me right ?....I am to fly next to a burning building ?

Now playing

Don’t look.......I warned you not to look.....

One nude photo he got was of Oprah.....

Honey....grab me a beer out of the fridge.....I am trying to read this article about womans stuff.....