techcore2 would be another 15 minutes before it was done. Without even pausing, she started screaming in my face about how incompetent I and my co-workers were, how completely absurd it was that something as simple as a salad and hummus plate would take longer than 10 minutes, etc etc. This went on for awhile as I stood

You can trust your car to the robot who wears the star....

Screw that !!!! I want a Pitbull !!!

What are thoooossse !!!!!

Sounds like a case of Robo-phobia.....

A friend of mine bought a laptop at a pawn and asked me to check out the memory and see what kind of upgrades it needed ( this happened in late fall a couple of years ago) . It was a top of the line, very expensive laptop and he got it for a couple hundred. I opened up the memory compartment and out fell a business

I promise you Dis....Dat......and de otter Teng !!!!

Hey Josh.....How many fingers am I holding up ???

Yah....I’ve been tackled alot...why do you ask ?

Johnny Five first one to fight to become person. Not Property ! Johnny Five movies better than talking bear, better for children, parental units.

A White woman pretending to be about a Black woman pretending to be White ? Then she gets found out.....

Hello...Tesla tech support ? My Tesla just appeared in my garage....the one that got hit by lightning 15 years ago !!!!