It's just asymmetric perspective. Unless you're constantly self-aware, you'll fall into the trap of categorizing others as types, while assuming you're much more complex and multi-faceted.
It's just asymmetric perspective. Unless you're constantly self-aware, you'll fall into the trap of categorizing others as types, while assuming you're much more complex and multi-faceted.
Because it mocks a dangerous misogynist stereotype.
"Or, get in on the ground floor of a self-made man. You and he work together to have the lifestyle that you both want."
I think "First Nations" is standard in Canada, but I've never heard it used in the US (except in reference to Canadian government policy.)
You have a problem with Marxist and Marxian cultural criticism?
You call them "Natives?" I think that's a much more loaded term! But I think the trend in academia is to identify people by their actual culture (i.e. their nation or "tribe"), rather than use the monolithic, invented, and reductive term "Native American." When considering Native Americans or American Indians as a…
"We don't live in a truly pluralistic society. We live in a society rife with inequalities. I went to art school, and appropriation is important, but if it isn't self-aware it get's you into trouble. We can't say we're all pluralistic now so it's okay to appropriate "Navajo" designs"
Evo-psych is bad enough, but it seems that Walsh's analysis (applying the "Pareto principle" to the dating pool) layers on extremely superficial economic sociology as well, which makes it even more convincing-sounding and worthless.
So what you're saying is that daewootech should get a Nobel Prize.
"I dunno...alter boys seem to be believed"
"In the court of public opinion, can we, just for this once, not focus on race and socioeconomic status, but, rather, the actual facts of the case?"
Slate determined it was inland Connecticut. []
It's just a perspective trick.
It reminds me of "George Lucas In Love" (which was a satire of "Shakespeare In Love") with its insistence that artists always write what they know and never have original ideas.
"I think everyone already knows that it takes a special kind of dirt bag to excel in journalism, just like politics."
Dun-dun dun dun-dun dun...
So do they just not have Gmail in Virginia?
They're acting like Gawker hacked into the CIA and released these photos. They were released by the fucking White House!
Why would their password be *******?
Baio should re-release the album with the four squares as the cover. It's actually a more powerful statement than the original pixelated art. And I'd love to hear Maisel argue that the four squares are copyright infringement just because everyone knows they're "supposed to" approximate his picture.