
I also figured out what he meant, but that doesn't make it any less difficult to read. He could make each of the "topics discussed" hashtags or even just separate them with commas. As it is now, the tweets are jumbled and very hard to understand. They look like stream-of-conciousness, but they're actually closer to

To be fair, the fifth symptom is also a symptom of a bachelors in film studies.

I tend to agree with you, but it's interesting to see all the (totally legitimate) criticism of this column. The comments that accuse him of being "insincere" get to the heart of the issue: he's trying to avoid future criticism by not making mistakes that others make, which is just impossible. Absolutely every thing

"Either the barbershop is quite chilly or she is turned on by older men..."

I strongly disagree. The father wants to make sure he does not accidentally teach old-fashioned, sexist ideas to his daughter, which is a very important and admirable approach. Since the act of holding the door has been profoundly sexist in the past, but is now somewhat de-gendered (though it seems to depend on the

As soon as I realized the problem, I would have sent an email saying "Sorry, blackberry cut me off. Glad the deposition is moving forward. I'll call you when I get to the hotel," or something to that effect. Then, if you felt like it, send a third email apologizing for your fat fingers and blackberry making you

That's not too uncommon in workplaces where most discussion is done through email threads. People get used to hitting "reply-all" (or they make it the default), so tipsters frequently get CC'd on emails they send that are then discussed internally. I've both done that and had that done to me.

I'm glad someone is willing to say it. The trivialization of sexual assault and cheating in this post is sickening. I'd love to live in a world where the worst thing male celebrities did was dislike their commencement speakers' speeches. That's not to say that Kristina wasn't upset—she obviously was, although Franco

"Everything that receives government money is a legitimate political target. Literally everything."

nVidia integrated graphics are great, but due to a licensing dispute, don't work with Sandy Bridge (Core i5, i7) processors. Apple gets around this with the 15 and 17 inch MBPs by sticking in a separate nVidia graphics chip, but there's no room in the 13" MBP for a standalone graphics chip, only integrated graphics.

Yeah, hard drives are much more reliable than the cloud! After all, hard drives have economic incentives worth billions of dollars not to fail, right? And clouds just wear out over time?

It's understandable when you round 194 up to 200. But rounding 194 up to 300?

She specifically called her method "Chinese parenting" and contrasted it with what she considered the overly permissive style that she alleges dominates in the West, and particularly the United States. It's difficult to argue that these pictures are a racist response to her race-agnostic theory. It's always been about

@Norbs: Because the solution to racial disparities and racism is just to pretend race doesn't exist? Don't you have an affirmative-action policy to oppose?

@MYMHM: Soundhound is free, fast, (and crowd-sourced), which is great, but in my anecdotal experience, I've found Shazam to be much more accurate.

@Jason: We're not arguing that it should be legal. We oppose the legislation. We just think that, realistically, it doesn't matter. That doesn't mean we're going to give up or just acquiesce, just that defeating the legislation is only symbolic. At the end of the day, if the government feels it faces a grave threat,

@Jason: Meh, what's the difference? if the government feels threatened, they will order the ISPs to shut down, whether or not they're legally authorized to do so or not. You can always pass emergency legislation. I get your point, and I support it, but I don't think it really matters in the end.

@svendoza: No, that's ridiculous. THERE IS NO KILL SWITCH. The whole point is that you don't need one, if ISPs will cooperate when the government orders them to shut down. If the ISPs had resisted, the government couldn't have done anything, short of waging war on the ISPs (which I'm sure they would have tried). You

@iconeater: They can't see it, so they probably won't be offended.