
@Hami83: The airlines would never implement these procedures because they know their customers would leave them for a competitor that didn't feel them up while waiting in line. It's the GOVERNMENT, through the TSA (which is a monopoly, and ostensibly controlled by the people) that has enacted these regulations. You

@gtaz19: That's the stupidest comparison I've ever heard. The government funding healthcare has nothing in common with a government bureaucracy known for being inefficient, terrible at security, and generally drunk with power forcing citizens to strip and be felt up at the airport.

@mwags: They're not at all similar. You did noble work, and it was necessary for you to do what you did. It is absolutely unnecessary for the TSA to do this. Do I blame individual TSA agents? No. But as an organization, it's infringing on our privacy for no good reason.

@erinfabu: So it's a GOOD thing that a sexist ritual would allow him to get court time off? That he's rewarded if he has a boy?

@clytamnestra: So it's like the Dutch version of Cornell?

@OreoExplosion: Impossible. There's a reason modern science uses Popper's falsification principle, and not the earlier verification principle!

@99TelepodProblems: *spoiler alert* the Illuminati weren't real in the book; it was just a Catholic conspiracy to get rid of a liberal, free-thinking pope.

Oh my god, Dan Brown was right!

@Quotidian_Hr: ""for the first time in history" means nothing any more"

@MaQ: It's not that bad. Jim Parsons is amazing, and he has great chemistry with Kaley Cuoco. But it's definitely true that this season hasn't been as great as earlier ones.

@imac20c2d: *woosh* His point was that you have to compare the Nook color to a (hypothetical) Kindle color; it's not fair to compare the Kindle, which has an e-Ink screen, to the Nook Color, which has a backlit LCD.

@RLexM: Hipster cat?

@zmnatz: Ah, when you said they block every email client for fear of unsavory attachments, I thought you meant they were blocking all email. That makes much more sense.

@dfp3050: "—The Beatles will never come to iTunes. At least not while there are any surviving members (or Yoko) still around. I don't like it, but I came to terms with this a long time ago. So this is very unlikely."

@Sterling Archer: You're incompetent? But seriously, the songs are still organized in a database on the iPod and iTunes. You can copy the individual music files from your iPod to your computer, but the songs will have cryptic names that refer to their position in a database. You need iTunes or a similar database-based

@freedomweasel: It's just concentrated inconvenience to make a statement. If it stops the ongoing inconvenience (not to mention privacy infringement) of the TSA's security theater, it's more than worth it.

@PrairieMoon: Doesn't Google have lots of privacy issues? it's great that gmail is now considered a respectable domain, but it wasn't always.

@zmnatz: And they expect you to email documents to your, exactly? Honestly, that's one of the most short-sighted IT policies I've ever seen implemented in the workplace.