@skitter: Exactly. And that accords well with the finding that alcohol increases intentionality bias. You only consider the immediate probable cause of events; you don't reflect upon them while you're drinking.
@skitter: Exactly. And that accords well with the finding that alcohol increases intentionality bias. You only consider the immediate probable cause of events; you don't reflect upon them while you're drinking.
@infmom: Of course it's their choice, and the wedding guests should oblige them. That doesn't mean it's not a douche move.
Fuck the ITU. Why is some obscure UN body considered more authoritative than 3GPP and IEEE? After all, 3GPP set the standards for 3G, so I think they can probably set the standard for 4G; ditto IEEE. Only the ISO perhaps has more authority.
@Ding-Dang: [Because social relations is directly related to, and constrained by, physical proximity, right?]
I completely agree, but I don't think you should see Facebook and the whole "social networking" movement as a replacement or substitute for anonymous internet communities. It's completely different. Some internet culture (like 4chan memes) permeate Facebook, of course, but the experience is much more like hanging out…
@cynmac07: When I re-invented myself for college as a freshman, I changed my privacy settings so that the things I'd post could only be seen by my college network, not my high school network. That way, I wouldn't have high school friends interrupting (and inappropriately posting on) all my conversations with new…
@TomXP411: ...really? She's not just mistaken about copyright law; she's a class-A douche.
@Caturday Yet?: And don't even get me started on TVTropes!
@liftedngifted1: Haven't you heard? He's made public statements disparaging the iPhone, which is fueling suspicions that Facebook mya be working on a phone of their own.
@HackBerry: The fact that you noticed that says volumes. That said, look at the curve of the breast; it's about the same length. The difference is that she imagines herself to wearing a top with a lower neckline, so the rack seems smaller if you're just looking at the pink top. There's a lot of cleavage that's above…
@OddManOut: They think that having a Blackberry denotes that they are a powerful and successful businessman since Blackberries are for "real work".
@applefandan: ...Because making it easier to think about more things == taking away the need to think?
@kevipants!: It's crony capitalism. Calling it fascism is unnecessarily sensationalistic, and you know it.
@kevipants!: You should come to Columbia!
@beavizkewl: This isn't Communism or socialism; it's Industrial Revolution-style capitalism. Ever heard of Levittowns?
@Lefaid: You're defending Flash...who let you on to the Internet?
@reddyroc: No, he thinks Intel does.
@lucasway89: I'm a 30, and I find lots of 28s, 29s, and 32s :(
@AlphaIOmega: Clash of the Shitty 3D Action Sequences Vaguely Related to Greek (and Inexplicably Norse) Mythology?
@brijazz: Isn't that deliberate? It keeps people from responding to trolls.