@Skeptic: 4 tits = 300 euros
@Skeptic: 4 tits = 300 euros
@DrewCSchultz: "Drew Schultz uses Wiener Propeller on a hot girl. It's not very effective..."
@truthtellah: Right, nothing is external. Everything that happens not only can be controlled by you, but must be. You have responsibility for living your life that you cannot escape. There is no higher power that pre-destines your life or gives it a certain meaning, so you have to find the meaning in your own life.
@LaziestManOnMars: There a couple in Manhattan and a bunch in hipster-ish areas of Brooklyn: [www.photobooth.net]
@truthtellah: "it wasn't about just accepting everything as crap that you can't affect"
@truthtellah: "Apple is always working to eliminate toxic substances in the Mac. And that’s by choice. We aren’t waiting for legislation to ban harmful substances like arsenic, brominated flame retardants (BFRs), mercury, phthalates, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). That’s why all Mac displays are mercury and arsenic…
@Grewal: How do you expect the LauncherProPlus widgets to pull your calendar events, messages, contacts, etc. without having access to your SMS, contacts, Gmail account, etc? The LauncherPro app in the Market now includes all those Sense-like widgets, even though you have to pay $3 for an unlock code to be able to use…
@Stem_Sell: Sure, as long as you have that loop to give it some slack!
@jp182: Right, VZW has NO control over what apps you install on your Android phone. They only push out updates to the actual operating system and their own applications; you don't have to wait for them to release an application you like. You can install keyboard you like, so long as it's available. Right now, Swype…
@jupiterthunder: Isn't Rdio also on-demand style streaming, like MOG and Grooveshark?
@Nic Michael: You do realize that the original Droid didn't have a 1 GHz processor, right? It could just be OC'd to 1GHz. And this is the same processor, so it can be OC'd to 1GHz+. All in all, the processor got a significant speed bump.
@Maori_Yelir: It's not even a damn kill-switch. If you try to run a non-standard ROM, all that happens is the phone REBOOTS ITSELF. The bootloader will be broken in a few months and then you'll be able to run custom ROMs. It's not a great situation, but it's nowhere near as bad as the rumors make it out to be!
@Ike_Skelton: No, they still have unlimited data. Once carriers (including Verizon) start rolling out their 4G networks, unlimited data plans will go the way of long-distance charges. If you want a good Android phone with an unlimited data plan, you best get one in the next few months!
@jp182: You can't download Swype for any phone right now; it's in closed beta. The only way to get it is to buy a phone that has it pre-installed (which includes most new Android phones, like the Droid X/2 and Galaxy S series).
@Ben Zvan: like someone at OKCupid has way too much time on their hands...or a BA in Statistics.
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: I don't understand your point. Most, though not all, of those 200 million AT&T subscribers would still be on AT&T even without the iPhone. If Verizon got the iPhone, they'd win a few converts from AT&T cut certainly 200 million. Most of the Verizon iPhone subscribers paying $100/month would…
@BigManMalone: I disagree. Why should the government just privatize the spectrum and get out? I think that the people have a right to have a say in the distribution and control of the airwaves, independent of the market, seeing as the airwaves are a public good. To suggest that the government has no legitimate…
@AmphetamineCrown: Why the fuck not? If the corporations won't build the pipes, then let the government and/or nonprofits build the pipes, like in the early days of the government. Of course, this won't have to happen, since corporations will still want to build the pipes even if they have to respect net neutrality…
@tw@t: The key is to attack people who are 4 or 5 levels above you. You can usually beat them (especially if they're AI-controlled because the person isn't there) and you get fast upgrades. It's kind of dickish, I guess, but very rarely will you be able to challenge live people.
@Googlo: We need that fucking Second Avenue Subway. It's ridiculous that there's only one line on the East Side.