
@Z_Naught: That's ridiculous. What is an example of common software someone would use that does not have an equally capable Mac component? The only thing that Windows bests OSX at is gaming. Aside from games, what are some examples of software that simply has NO equivalent on the Mac?

@wanderingrabbi: Why does ANYONE buy a laptop if desktops are more powerful? Yet laptops are now a much bigger share of the computer market than desktops. People value portability!

@blash: Apple has the best screens, though. Sure, if you're not doing graphic design, it doesn't matter how good the screen is, but if you are...

@superberg: What if you a screen bigger than 13"? Or the aluminum unibody design? or an IR port? Those aren't actually "professional" upgrades; the MBP is the consumer line and the MB is the entry-level/budget laptop.

@ink: So would it be socially acceptable for him to go to the restaurant, check in, and then DM her? If you think it's more his method that's creepy, what would you recommend?

@phantomfly: Had he merely seen that she had checked in and read her twitter, without knowing her, that would be somewhat his fault, but mostly hers for putting the information out there in the first place.

@Segador: What the fuck? "Pick (or find) something you actually enjoy doing, in the real goddamn world and start doing it with other people."

@samethingwedoeverynightpinky: Foursquare doesn't broadcast your location to strangers. The ideal situation is that you go to a bar and your friends, who are trying to decide what to do that night, find our you're there and decide to surprise you there. Or that you're looking for somewhere to eat, you find a little

@Sprzout: You can install the update and then turn off inertial scrolling and/or adjust its sensitivity. It's all available in trackpad settings.

@Will Stuller: Hmmm...the new Macbook Pros that support three- and four-finger gestures also require Snow Leopard and were released after Snow Leopard launched. I can't believe it: Apple built this functionality into the latest version of the OS, even though they knew that previous versions lacked this functionality,

@electronymous: I don't think Apple has any interest in a Wacom tablet's absolute positioning (or use of a stylus). They care more about intuitive (relative) multi-touch gestures, like scrolling and pinch/zoom. This is an oversized laptop touchpad, not a tablet.

@talkingstove: Why is it "lunacy"? People playing computer games and working in Photoshop need mice (though in each case, specialized devices like gaming mice and Wacom tablets might be better) but people browsing the web and pictures? A multi-touch touchpad is much faster and easier to use than a mouse. it really

@anonpwny: "I just said 90% of desktop users would normally use mouses as opposed to other devices"

@hvrock13: Couldn't you level the same complaint at Macbook touchpads? Yet millions of people use Macbooks with multi-touch touchpads because they're intuitive and easy-to-use! It doesn't take a "power user" to master a multi-touch touchpad. The gestures are intuitive: two fingers to scroll, pinch and spread to zoom

@hvrock13: You realize there are millions of people who use and love multi-touch laptop touchpads, right? And tons of people love touchpads but use desktop it makes sense to give them the option to use a multi-touch touchpad with desktops in addition to laptops. Mice are better for some things (e.g.

@manimatr0n: Just go to graduate school! Of course you have to specialize. My thesis is on the post-modern feminist interpretation of racist undertones in Swedish underwear ads. And you have to teach really basic undergrad classes, like "Post-Modern Feminism and How It Relates to the Typical Underwear Ad". But it's

@Barry Zuckerkorn: "My point is Apple gets official emulators that don't make you go through hoops."

@dennis636223: All but two states DO NOT ALLOW IT. If you're worried about the privacy implications, you should be happy.