
@ding-dang: You really think that most people can touch-type? Most tech-savvy people are capable of very fast two-handed hunt-and-peck typing without looking since they have a mental idea of the QWERTY layout, but the vast majority of people can't technically touch type. Most people type on keyboards the same way they

@Joe Stoner: Damn, good point! Cable is double-dipping too: we have to pay for channels AND we get bombarded with ads! WTF?

@seanpat12: I loved my Blackberry...years ago. But I'm upgrading next month and I need a modern Smartphone. I'm glad that BBOS finally has a usable Webkit browser, so it doesn't choke on even the simplest websites, but the pathetic app offerings and Java-based OS continue to scare me away. I like Blackberry, I really

@piranah25: Wait. You're forced to look forever for a decent hooded sweatshirt? But isn't that what the masses want, so they're all over the place? Pedantic terminology fail.

@Lord_Data: You actually have a link for a custom-built i7-720m, 8GB RAM, multi-touch 1920x1080 laptop for $2200? Then I stand corrected and extremely interested in this computer. Sorry, I thought you were just being hyperbolic.

@Lord_Data: With all due respect, you're simply delusional if you think you can get a laptop with a quad-core i7-720M, 8 GB of DDR3 1066 MHz RAM, the best available ATI mobile GPU, and a 500 GB HDD, and a 1920x1080 multi-touch screen for around $2,000. The really nice Vaios and HPs are $2,000+ and that's with 4 GB of
