
Yea... I think Israel might end up really screwing themselves. Doesn’t help that the current government has applied, literally, zero pressure. I suspect they are very strategic to us militarily (someone smarter probably knows), but at this point, even if you disregard the loss of human life, this is an absolute

Have you ever seen the movie “Teeth”?

This has been my daily routine using a microwave since my childhood.

It’s been going back and forth for over a 100 years between Jewish Zionists & Palestinian Arabs with both slaughtering each other and nobody is willing to forgive and forget. We should be working together to terraform other planets rather than this shit. Life is so short and all we do is waste time fighting.

Israel has gone overboard with this retaliation. So many innocent people are being killed. I don’t see how people continue to support them. I have Jewish friends who were mad and wanted the Hamas Militants to pay at first but enough is enough. Nobody seems to give a shit about the innocent now and it is just

Physical Media will always be better as purchased digital media from Google, Apple, and others can be removed at anytime when the contract expires and is renewed with a studio. After that they will all gladly sell you back the media again that you already purchased. I learnt the hard way when I noticed some digital

This is why I bought The Mandalorian Season 1 and 2 Blu-Ray Steelbooks. Streaming is hopefully going to kill itself via the insatiable avarice of the shareholders. Physical media for me until it no longer exists, and I’ll bet all my entire DVD and Blu-Ray collection that eliminating the production and release of

Give me a smarter, just as cute robot as the Disney Imagineer’s one that can also take commands and fetch me a beer or cocktail. Also it needs to be real AI, I don’t want a 100 remote workers in India looking up my girlfriends skirt or trying to grope her. If they can do that I am in.

Exactly what I was saying. I am sure Rogan was not bringing in that many new users that it equals close to the revenue they paid him. It’s these new venture funded startups that are mismanaged and just write everything off as a loss leaving others to take care of it. They don’t care that they are losing and still pay

It’s a problem with Spotify’s spending habits and what they spend their operating cost on. Maybe watch your marketing budget and inking deals with podcasters like the 200 million contract for 3.5 years they made Rogan in 2020, as well as real-estate deals, and other terrible spending habits they have that they expect

Now that everyone has pretty much gone thru the wire cutting phase, it seems time for streaming services to price gouge everyone. Companies are already profiting at record highs but that does not seem enough for the greedy CEO’s and boards of venture capitalists looking at cutting jobs and upping prices to buy their

No mention of their meeting after this but I am guessing they got his support. Newsom is the Democratic version of Trump with his pay to play politics.

Whatever it is I will assume Newsom and a large deposit from California Forever to one of his many campaigns had to do with the decision.

Maybe they can fix the steering next. 

largely because offshore cashiers were rewatching videos and assigning items to different customers.”

The Amazon Go by me charges like double the amount of a 711 nearby. I didn’t even use the service there as the mark up for it’s convenience was way to high. Amazon has been trying to corner every market by outselling them at a loss and then jack up the prices for everything 7 folds to make a huge profit back while

Just another narcists living in the same fantasy world Trump lives in and believes nothing can hurt him and he can do no harm. This will be quite a wakeup call.

I don’t know what has become of you Gizmodo but I do not like it!!!

I know this isn’t the writers’ fault, but good lord, you can’t be serious with these how-to “guides”. An entire page for a single key combination that can already be found on an infinity of other websites. I already stopped reading Kotaku because of nonsense like this, I guess I’m about to stop reading Giz, too.

Ive been a die-hard Samsung loyalist for most of my life. I recently purchased a PS5, and wanted a top notch TV to go along with it. I decided on the QN90A. Since day 1, it has had a multitude of HMDI port issues, and now (only 14 months old), the HMDI port 4 (only one that supports 2.1 technology) as well as HDMI