
I never realized it until now but it looks like Magneto just spray painted a samurai helmet.

The battery is only supposed to last 2 hours so I don’t know how that would even be possible. Do they expect you to have it tethered to a usb cable from a powersupply in the wall all day?

“Apple still reportedly hopes consumers will be willing to wear the headset all day” That’s...fucking delusional.

Elon Musk makes billions of dollars a year working. Nearly no one else does. Is that morally wrong?

40 seconds isn’t so bad. Look how long they’ve know about autopilot issues in Teslas?

I only go off reviews from tech blog sites that include an affiliate link to the product on Amazon. That way I know I am getting the best review money can buy 😁

Not just incorrect information, but incorrect information confidently stated in a matter of fact, slightly smug tone that sounds plausible enough that casual readers might be inclined to think the person was an expert when in fact they read a couple of Wikipedia articles and stayed at a Holiday Inn last night. 

Companies using Reddit to train their AI Bots? No wonder why they get a lot of incorrect information

But what about Planet Of The Apps??  They have so many great ideas!

I think most people will agree out of the plethora of movies and shows Apple makes most of them suck or fail to keep you engaged and wanting to watch more. Ted Lasso and a few other titles are exceptions but most of them are not fun to watch and can leave you feeling drained to keep up.

Sources say school administrators were suspicious of the high school teacher who could apparently pay rent AND feed himself.

It is not only that.

Rename the Bard button to “I’m Feeling Lucky” and call it a day

A slow roll-out does not equal “big failure.”

Dang. My question is: how can we tell if these are legit or not? I’ve seen fake Tweets out there before (not that hard to make these types of photo edits). Is the source legit? These texts are just so outrageous...

Nah...nah, man, I ain’t buying it. I’ve seen the results of early morning launches being down in Florida and they tend to look like...

Every “Historically beloved series, but cynical or inverted” has already been done - and been done better - by The Venture Brothers.

As a government, there is a difference between a US company harvesting your data and a foreign rival. You get that, right? Right?