
Birddddddddddddddddddddddd Man.

sounds a bit expensive for what you get. 

The whole thing looks like a generic hack and slash or should I say gunner. No story or character development at all. For the number of years they have worked on it I was expecting something more. Not some generic shooting with weak ass gameplay.

Talk about pride in the company you work for to do all that shit. Some real crazies out there. Was he expecting some type of bonus for his efforts?

Was hoping for a new  Google TV Hardware Media Box for the next gen to take on the old Nvidia Shield.

Imagine everyone who funded all this only to have if fail. 

It will be hard to game on this as well unless they reduce the resolution of all the games. The hardware though powerful for mobile is nothing like a gaming pc.

If this could offer a 4k mobile screen for PC’s I would be all over this. Being stuck in the Apple Ecosystem really limits this. 

That headline photo gives me heeby geebys. Makes me think we will see Musk and Bezo faces plastered on billboards everywhere while they enslave humanity in the future. Very post apocalyptic feeling.

I just hope they do a better investigation into who they replace him with. The things people said about his behavior and working with him in the past did not sound positive. Seemed like he’s the type of person whom smells his own shit.

She was kind of a sloppy drunk. He may of not spoken to her like that if she wasn’t drunk and acting out of control. The way he grilled her about her drunken behavior was a bit much though prior to that but seeing the video you can see she did have a big drinking problem. Being a victim of someone who was an alcoholic

There was little proof of violence which resulted into it becoming a misdemeanor. Though he definitely seems to have some narcissistic issues from the audio they released. From the video they released it looked like she was drunk and he was trying to get away from her and he pushed her off him which was the result of

I am not condoning his behavior. You criticizing me for saying that was the outcome of a toxic relationship upsets me. She seemed to have problems with alcohol and sobriety. He seemed to have issues controlling his emotions and well as a bit of narcissisms. That seemed like a setup for a downwards spiral to me. I had

This is the outcome of staying in a toxic relationship. If either party feels thoughts of fear or aggression in that relationship it is best to move on. Some people just are not compatible and continuing in a toxic relationship is what ended his career. She was obviously not the women he was looking for with the way

BMW vehicles nearly doubled in price after COVID and though parts and electronics have come down they are still the same price. I think that the IX is the second highest number car that sits on the lot. If it wasn’t for being 30-40k more than it is worth it would probably be selling like hot cakes. Companies have

You people are sick!!!

Hopefully we get some gameplay videos soon instead of in game pre rendered scenes.

It has long been known Narcissism is a trait of leaders. They truly believe all the bullshit they say but are also great and making others believe that bullshit and eventually we see the true natures of those assholes come out.

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This explains who Q was in Star Trek and why he had such incredible power. They were always living in his simulation. Hail Q, our simulation AI overlord.