
So when should we expect to see reviews?

I feel your pain. I am a Comic nerd and really enjoyed Doom Patrol and Titans which were recently cancelled. I am really hoping they continue with another season of Peacemaker even though its not due for another few years. I’d hate for them to scrap that as well. 

This did not age well. 

I think Max is great but a they keep cancelling a lot of the shows that make them great. Netflix has definitely gone down hill and it seems they think quantity is better than quality as they keep releasing cheaply made and generic shows instead of a few great shows which I feel is sinking them.

So this is the type of R&D investors money goes into, hmm...

Looks like too much weed killer. 

Looks like a bird. 

Once viable I am betting this will be used most to treat Cellulite and Weight loss Surgery.  

I hope they upgraded Google Assistants vocals to be more realistic as well.

The difference is he is giving specific targets now.

He’s going to end up getting someone killed eventually by one of his groupies and eventually face murder charges himself as he continues to think it’s okay to say whatever he wants and paint targets on backs. He really is like a mob boss.

“Burn it with fire!!!”

Haha, sorry been busy at work, I meant homeless. 

30% of the unemployed in Los Angeles California are employed fulltime and make over 42k. Newsom just raised the minimum wage of fast food restaurants to $20 an hour which puts them right below the cutoff rate for financial housing support which is sure to attract underpaid voters for him. The sad part though is

I don’t disagree with you. I believe most of that is true. Rape getting legalized is a little far fetched though but they may bend the rules on what makes rape a crime.  I also don’t believe Democrats are saints either. Honestly we need someone who is sincere in helping humanity and puts themselves after others and

True to that but they are both shady. As for the right I would say it’s mostly a facade that any of them are actually religious. It’s just an image they portray to keep their supporters happy. Religion is kind of BS and another type of segregation as well and a way to give people power and money. 

Apple of lies”

It’s to help the middle class survive as companies like Amazon and others continue to pay their employees less and less and higher up execs triple their salaries. It would enforce that fair salaries are paid as the dollar worth continues to decline. Capitalism in the US has turned into modern day slavery. The gap

Exactly, he is more interested in building wealth and turning the middle class into the poor class. Shady dealings over the year. He's a crook but so are most politicians left and right. 

Actually I think the majority of government is corrupt and they both are here to f us over in one way or another and tend to do shady deals to increase their wealth. I Newsom is no different and though he has done somethings to support LGBT communities and the poor be has been handling many things the wrong way. Since