
Looks like another dumb idea for Newsom. Newsom destroying California a day at a time. This guy loves to tax the middle class and why I live month to month in California which ends up taking half my paycheck in taxes and medical. 

I feel like the only ones afraid of public surveillance are the ones committing crimes. As long as you are not breaking the law out in the public sector there should not be a concern. As long as this thing isn’t breaking laws going around lifting up or peeking under dresses there shouldn’t be a reason for concern.

I’d say that’s exactly it. Energy drinks, no sleep, cocaine and cigarettes’ should resolve that. If they work on that the next year they should become indistinguishable.

Yup, and a reason I will never support them. Their driven by greed and the same goes with the iPhone refusing to upgrade to RCS from MMS that would allow everyone to use high-end images and multimedia messages through the phone networks. Apple is just a dick and has too much power to manipulate services.

I think Morty is almost exact. Rick is missing some of his Umphh. Sounds a bit more calm and is missing the intensity and loudness. Kind of like the guy is not jacked up as much on energy drinks and cocaine.

I did something similar and tried playing exploding kittens with my GF. She was not very happy nor did she want to play.

Seems kind of gimmicky. They don’t actually talk but text. I was hoping you could have both voice and video chats with the AI Bots.

I wish the Apple Device supported Virtual Displays for PC’s.

Hallucinations 2.0 coming at you. 

The F-35 still has a lot of issues popping up. I don’t expect to be negligence of the pilot but issues with the Jet.

It will fit well with Starfield then. An okay Space RPG Sim but definitely not as good as everyone expected. Hopefully they don’t let us down with the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout. 

It’s been interesting seeing Musk evolve over the years. All the people he had help with the acquisition of Twitter can not be happy. 

  • Cellular organization

This is why your not supposed to drink coffee and have open beverages in the cockpit. 

Not a flop in that sense but one in that it was just bad. Of course everyone loved the cartoon so they went to see it but that didn't stop it from sucking any less. 

His 13.5 million in just recorded comp was not enough last year. He needs a other 20million added to that so he can order steak and lobsters and decide he’s not hungry and throw it out while more & more people go hungry and homeless each day.

They have a two minute scene in the ocean that was bright and colorful. Everything else is gloomy. For taking so long to make it felt like a huge flop. Even the scenes outside were cloudy and not very inviting. 

I thought it felt like a low budget ripoff some other studio made.

I thought it was such a bad movie. I also felt it was very gloomy and dark most the movie. 

Are these the originals or edited?