
Has he got to the janitorial staff yet?

VPNs have options you can enable and disable for everything now. 

VPN’s can also help protect you against ads. 

So many companies are involved with Robinhood now. I forgot who takes care of their card linked to their Brokerage accoung but Chase Bank provides the new Checking Account for Robinhood Spending Checking Account.

Snitches get stitches”


I dislike DMZ and knowing most the players aren’t even real but AI. I want Plunder and game where everyone is real and you don’t just go to the Gulag everytime like BR.

I haven’t seen anything concering him and gaming but I do know he never works on the design or story of games, he’s coded and developed some amazing engines though.

I was reading and looks like he is focusing on his AI company Keen Technologies, though I haven’t been able to find the right website. 

Every one knows he is an OT-8, (Operating Thetan Level 8), and the highest rank member you can become in Scientology. He has bought tons of powerups as well and been bestowed with the power of internal life in the Thetan Level 8 position. Therefore he does not fear death and is capable of manifesting life, Duh... All

Carmack was the creator of the worlds first real 3d game engine that also supported multiplayer and didn’t just rely on sprites but actual 3D models. He was my idol in my teens and even wrote me back after writing him a letter about my Quake artwork that appeared on, “Blues News” (The Gizmodo of FPS back in the day),

Thanks for the details. I wasn’t aware there were more types of AC’s then the few I have seen that blow heat outside.

They are just happy they got commission on those fake tickets.

Do these just blow hot air into the wall or are they attached to a vent that runs outside? I would think it would better just to get central AC if you were going to install this and have to run a vent to the outside.

I didn’t think a CEO could end up being hated more than Zuckerberg but it looks like Elon is going for the Win. 

I think when people label all people to be the same way because of their political affiliation it’s kind of like political racism. I’ve voted Democratic over the years before but would also look at voting Republican if there was a good candidate. Both are needed at times depending on how the country is heading, how we

How is Elon not listed? “Get Bitcoin you can buy are cars” “Get Doge Coin it’s the best”. Whats his nuts from Shark Tank should also be up here. All a ton of scam artists.

That’s what they said but there were so many questions over it. 

I don’t like truth social and the idiots who run it but some of the comments below prove my point. You have to admit so many people wine and try to fight each other and judge one another over poltical affiliation it’s is idiotic. There is good and bad in all kinds of people. A lot of republicans are horrible but i

They just announced a giant leap in nuclear fusion yesterday. Your dreams may soon be a reality.