
I see all sides posting bs articles and I just want to smack them both. The far left and right annoy me more and more by the day.

Elon is billionaire internet mobster and will get rid of anyones voice who opposes him or does him wrong. What a bully. 

B movies in theaters are the hipsters of 2022. Watch this set a wave of corny movies coming to theaters like its the 80s all over.

I mentioned yesterday on another post on gizmodo that this may turn into another Anthony Bordain situation with the Saudis. Definitley seems like it may go that way with the way he’s been acting. Posting so much shit he seems anxious about something.

Snow in some wild areas. 

Human Clone trials it is!

A tool that makes it easier for Meta to steal other web app features you say?

But why?

One day those Saudi’s will come for their money back, just wondering if this will end in another story like Anthony Bourdain.

This is the same as Elon and cryptos. 

This is Gizmodo. They will always say iPhone is better.

They need to use infrared scans combined high quality lidar cameras for better recognition. It’s not programmers being racists like I’ve seen so many articles claim in the pasts. Color cameras obsererving only visual light have an issue decifering shadows and darker skin tones. It cost a bit more but the same reason

Their voices were too similar to each others. 

I agree

Earl should be played by Killer Mike.

As long as Apple gets it’s cut, exploting user information is okay. 

I remeber when I saw articles promoting crypto here. Since everyone lost their money I guess they are now changing their mind. Honestly crypto has a future, just not in the way people think. Most of it’s a scam and needs to be regulated with multiple large countries on board how it is handled.

75% is a huge number. Everyone’s Morale will be down. Production and the quality of work will be down as people scramble to find other jobs and stop giving a f***. I don’t see how anyone else is going to take it unless they were already personally guranteed to keep their position. People who do keep their jobs will be

I think their lens and AR tech is a decent investment. Plus Twitter is huge in porn. It will make a Smashing Deal!!!