
Musk should buy Snapchat now and merge it with Twitter. 

Do you think he really believes himself or if he’s just thinking, I’m fucked?

Dad is that you?

This is what happened when we had to migrate from Mars to Earth. 

If I tap my fingers 1o times and jump up and twice I will prevent that plane from crashing.

In the billions of years earth has been around humans have come near destroying it in 300 years. 

And they feel a lot of pain. Savage humans.

I’d like to see the PS5 try and pump that resolution at those refresh rates. I bet we can expect a PS5 refresh with the PS5 Pro around that time and possible bundles which I still think would have a hard time keeping up.

Does anyone else think this looks a lot more PC (politically correct) then a Saints Row Game should be?

The mountain lion looks like its phoshoped in. I remeber the person who did the national geographic photo of the year got busted for the same thing. Also I do not know how they would of focused on the foreground and background at the same time. The lighting etc, also all look fake.

Why do a lot of these images look photoshoped?

WeMake, where you build your own house and get paid for it but then you have to buy it for 5 times as much. So now all you do is work on making houses the rest of your life for a quarter of the salary continuting to work to pay off your home.

So you are saying Trump sold Russia information that caused them to launch an attack on Urkaine almost creating WW3? Is this a movie yet?

Apple preventing technology from evolving so they don’t lose users. I really dislike apple

Now you can match Kim's lipstick. Just what the people wanted!!!

Looks like a gaming students class project. This is going to be fun to watch fail.

Mask only help to stop the spread of covid. It doesn't stop the air you breathe in from being covid free. 

NFTs will eventually die off for the scam they are. If anything saves Snap it will be their AR technology. 

Shakes first at Apple!!!