
I feel like the board or whomever makes the decisions to increase the prices constantly have no idea how to run a company. The majority of Netflix users don't have money to squander away and that is the reason we signed up with Netflix in the first place. Value outweighed cable and other services but now it is the

Well the effect looks warped if you are at a different angle. I looked on youtube and there are a bunch of companies doing that but you have to be at that exact angle to see it in all its glory. Otherwise it looks strange. 

The thing that is killing them are their price hikes. When it was cheaper more people didn’t mind paying. Now that the price keeps getting jacked up viwers have swtiched to family accounts or quit and are just sharing friends and family single accounts. Plus half the stuff they put out is bad and filmed in other

I think they were being facetious. But the new AR Spectacles they released to Devs already will be very hot. I’ve been predicting those for several years from snap and already had an idea where Snaps technology was going. Pretty soon we will all have AR devices like glasses, contacts, etc, worn and we will be living

It’s the biggest scam of the century. My cousin has NFT pieces of artwork she has listed for many thousands of dollars hoping some sap falls for that shit. 

what if enough people paid $40 dollars to hit one billion dollars. Does that make it worth one billion?

So a link to an image that anyone can download from a link is worth billions?

Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me.”, If you are still on the Elon Bandwagon don’t say you weren’t warned.

Wait untill the US announces the digital dollar. Crypto will plummet.

Yeah, I see he admitted he was wrong yesterday night.

I wonder what Snowden is thinking now?

They need to hit US student loans

These crypto scams keep popping up. When the U.S. finally announces a government controled digital coin, cryptos will fall big time. Bitcoin may be like digital gold but the price will drop dramatically. Maybe a few other coins will survive for ther blockchain technology but I think warren buffet is correct about

Best Buy and Walmart started this last year. Corporate greed is at a high with Amazon, Newegg and EBay who continue to allow people to sell overpriced GPUs so they can get their chunks of the profit. Just goes to show what kind of horrible people and mega corporations that exist in the world.

Too much would be lost if either Sony or Microsoft made their games exclusives since both make a ton selling pay2play items in Bungie and Activision titles.

I wish I could find some floor speakers that look like that Bissel. That would make a nice encasing.

I wish I could find some floor speakers that look like that Bissel. That would make a nice encasing.

That guy made it back 10x in views already. 

The fact that some large coroporate companies now support NFT’s is disappointing since all they are doing is adding to the validity of such a shady system.

I think your theory is wrong. There are pleanty of grocery articles about the inflation out there besides USA Today’s that also mention it. I follow the markets and futures, it is something every one has been talking about for a few months. Jerome Powell isn’t going to be able to fight it off forever. I don’t think

Haha, that IBM laptop is similar to a laptop mockup I did for some competitoin sometime in 2007-2008