
I agree pay needs to go up. Hell companies are hitting all time highs but the only people that ever make money are the people at the top while they keep cutting everyone elses pay. The cost of living goes up more each year than a typical raise. It’s ridiculous.

Gas was over 5 the other week here in Cali. I feel like things are getting so expensive I can barely afford to drive to work. I live in a one bedroom apartment and make over 6 figures and still living month to month. Its crazy. Inflation is going to crush the US.

After all the cash that was handed out over Coronavirus and unemployment this past year, inflation will defniltey go up.

I’m excited to get our boosters at work next week.

I hate how game companies think, “Let’s increase the resolution and add a few lighting effects and call it remastered.”

I played that stage in COD:Warzone.

Facebook was following the lead of most these other companies into the metaverse. Like everything, it is just another stolen idea of theirs.

I am waiting for QAnon to replace Christianity with Scientology before I join.

And trackers

Let me fix this...

It definilitey could of evolved differently though.

Over a 100 if you want to play it on ps4/ps5 systems. warzone and blackops cold war was like $10 extra to play on both. Fucking waste of money and now im stuck with a piece of shit game. Sony needs to issue refunds on this junk.

I paid over $100 for the ps4/ps5 version since it’s almost double to play on both systems. I installed it and tried it out the first night for a few minutes and then the next day a bit more. Looks like shit on ps4, especially the building map. I don’t know how we have graphics like call of duty warzone and then shit

Imagine where we would be now if Nikola Tesla was granted funding to continue his wireless electricity experiments.

It’s a turd. Unfortunately I didn’t play the beta and just bought the ps4/ps5 version online and now I’m stuck with a turd. :( Sad Face..

The homepage looks like a giant AD. I tried to do a search and it won’t do a search unless I install their plugin. There is also a signup button. This does not seem suspicious at all., a sponsor of GO/Media and We only ask you install our plugin and signup to use our search.

I am not trying to troll at all. I can see the effect it is having on the world and others. As for me personally, I would say I am more liberal and lean towards the Democratic party and rely on science and facts over religion and old beliefs. I am an Astute Logican that suffers from political burnout. These exteremist

Why do Conservatives and Liberals always seem to try to egg each other on? I have conservative views on some things and liberal views on others but the childish behaviour between the two I see almost everywhere, is annoying as hell. What ever happened to wanting to build a better world instead of one where all you do

So if 5G is a problem why have they had us shutoff our phones for years prior?