
I know, crazy to think how they are one of the largest media conglomerates now.

Nintendo is not even taking the time to upgrade the graphics and textures. They are just running old ROMs on an emulator. I really wish they would of taken the time to redo these games. That would of been amazing. This hardly took any effort on their part. It was bad enough Nintendo only releases a couple new Nintendo

That and Disney owns a huge majority of media companies that have online streaming services. I guess they need to stay afloat somehow with Coronavirus effecting park attendance.

Online streaming is turning into cable all over with channels charging 5-15 dollars per channel advertised as a streaming service. Soon we will be paying double the price of cable for similar content. Though it is nice to be finally rid of commercials, somewhat. 

I sympathize with the young people of today and was making a joke, I apologize if you want to take a serious stance on this. I live in LA though and deal with a lot of influencer and narcissistic types out here and loathe people like that, I know people are looking to connect but a lot of people they look up to tend

Nah, stop making excuses, we are just running low on CPU power to continue to run complicated calculations.

Brainless drones, which also helps prove the simulation theory and that half the people that live in this reality are nothing but some generic code incapable of thinking or functioning on its own.

Phone companies seem to be just throwing shit a the wall and trying to see what sticks now. 

Im waiting for when they find human remains on Mars. 

Avatar 2 is live action?

I actually thought Amazon should do a console for a while now since I purchased almost everything direct from them and could just download games to their console and keep track of my purchases on their site forever but never did I want them to do a cloud based game service. I still think it would be smart for Amazon

Snapchat is big in AR lens and objects. 

Just look a Snapchat. It will be the way fashion evolves in the future. I feel like that is guaranteed. If AR glasses and Contacts were standard say 10 years from now you can believe people will be doing that.

I had that idea awhile back for a blockchain service that would give real value to your digital copies of everything from movies, games, AR clothing and costumes, etc. Good to see some of it looks as if it may coming to fruition. Someday I believe we will wear AR glasses and Contacts that display AR clothing,

I’m thinking a new American Pie movie.

Does anyone else think the real life versions do not look that much like their cartoon counterparts. If I was to watch a video and not told who each person was I would never guess that it was that person.

It also substitutes as a fleshlight.

I think Google is probably the most developed and functional assistant since it scours the whole web using google search but I really wish there was another way to activate it instead of saying, hey google or okay google. Also how about an assistants voice that talks and acts similar to their google duplex ai which

Old captcha may of not but recaptcha 2 by google that uses images is pretty good.