
This is like a reboxed xbox 1x without the disc drive. Probably using some of the same hardware so it doesn’t go to waste.

I remember when spyware was.

All stars look like ports rather than remastered. I wish they would re-release Mario 64 and Sunshine with upgraded graphics. I would buy in then.

I’m reading that now, that seems bogus. I doubt it will remain true since they will miss out on a lot of people buying additional cards.

I wonder how two 3080's in tandem would do compared to the 3090 which is $100 dollars more.

Well they are advertising it as an 8k card, so yeah.

You don’t own it though. It is only as good as your Disney subscription last. 

It looks nice but at $1500 I would hope that would be running marbles at 4k. When they say the 3090 will run games at 60fps at 8k is that without Raytracing? I don’t know. I was hoping not to have to upgrade my videocard for a while if I bought the 3090 but I’m guessing it will only be another 2 years or so before

So is marbles pushing the 3090 at 30fps at a resolution of 1440? Please say that isn’ the case. 

Wait till this hits videogames and you are told you are a racist if you pick a different race than your own. I can see this happening down the line. They will claim it's like digital black face.

Since the first case of someone getting Covid a second time already broke since then will the Antibodies even help?

Why don’t movie companies sell movies direct to digital for $60-$70 dollars. I would pay that and it should help make up for theater losses and then drop them to $30 3 months later. 

Theaters reopened last week with limited capacity.

Still no vaccine for Aids which started showing up in the 20s. But we are somehow creating a vaccine for this in a few months time. Call me skeptical. 

I miss final space.

The gods are mad at all the looters last night and today. 

Final Space meets Brickleberry.

4 minutes of commercial for 10 minutes of video content.

I won’t, that’s a ripoff. Imagine if every new release Netflix charged you an extra $30 for. Do you think they would still be in business?