
Exactly the same for me and I am usually listening to the top 100 on Google Music.

I think this decision has more to do with an upcoming election than what is right. 

I must really be out of the loop in music because I have no clue who most of those bands are.

I really want something to draw on that’s not Apple. I was hoping Microsoft would release a new Surface Book for my main laptop or I could atleast pickup a cheaper new google tablet to draw on from Google themsevles but everyone seems to be ditching the tablets.

When will they make Google assistant sound more realistic like Google Duplex? I’d like if it sounded like I was having a real conversation with a human instead of talking to a bot.

Same thing I said. I think it was just cilckbait.

Why even mention her and the Nobel Peace Prize together? Her mission has nothing to do with uniting nations in peace. She is fighting climate change.

It is pretty. Tesla does have some ugly designs. 

Surface Book 3 where are thee?

Nobody actually cares. They are just programmed to think they care and following the trends in society. There is very little free thinkers in the world that do anything impactful to try and make a difference. People want to feel good about themselves but don’t actually do anything to impact any type of change but feel

There’s lots of articles about them being worse since they are mostly processed and contain a lot of sodium and other unhealthy ingredients. Honestly it’s just a gimmick and I think most people try them to see what they taste like. Eventually the trend will die off. If I had to choose between eating regular meat or

These processed patties are actually worse from what I have been reading but they do save cows. 

The scooters are heavy and built like trucks. I doubt any damage was done to them. They look weak but are very sturdy.

I was on rollerblades when I was a kid and hit by a car and they classified me as a vehicle. I also live in Chicago and it’s been overrun by the scooter people. Most are going the wrong direction driving in the middle of the road looking like a deer in headlights or texting on their phones. Not a pretty site. Looks

Remember PhsyX?

Sweet, I saw I can buy 50k for $500 bones the other day. Now I shall rise!

They should just switch to an online only publications and news sites and ditch the magazine. Their current site is not really more than an ad to signup for their paper magazine.