
I did some calculation to see what the chances of us existing at this period of time in history were once. I based it off the normal expectation of a species existence and the expectation of the Earths lifespan before the sun is expected to die. It was something like a .002 or .ooo2% chance of existing in this period

Are you referring the the episode where somone died and their concioisness transferred to a virtual world or the one where John Ham was a criminal forced to live a simulation I over andover. What I am thinking more of is using data scrapping to create virtual history books of our lives. Then most the data is already

Damnit!!! does everyone have a transdimensional portal ?

Well I think once we have smaller headsets and higher res and framerate this will not seem like such a gimmick to people. I think VR has a long way to go like Television did and for a lot of the same reasons.

I should say resolution. Its like having bad vision and sitting real close to a TV. I just don’t see how that does not affect the experience.

Yes, this is the prequel to the Matrix I’ve been working on. It is how the Matrix evolved. :P 

The whole reason Google is doing this is I suspect they stole my idea. It’s to create simulations of virtual us who live in the future and never die. Recycled simulations of our daily lives once a computer powerful enough to simulate reality is built. Humanity will eventually die off but not the machines. Soon Google

Have you tried VR? The lenses magnify the screen. Like someone else said in the thread about it being like sitting in front of an 80s TV. 4k and 8k will have a big difference when the lenses are used. Right now it would be hard to distinguish 4k and 8k sitting on your couch from 15ft away and watching TV, I agree with

I own a Vive is why I commented. All have a screen door effect. Most noticeable on the PSVR.

Are these actual pics of the phone because the designs look a little different from each other in different photos? You can see if you look at the speaker location on one pic and the speaker location on the other pic.

I wish there was a way just to turn on the ringer for this instance only because usually at work I put it on vibrate and never turn the volume back up before misplacing it.

I feel the low res is going to kill it for most people. It is the same thing that kills it for VR now. I would guess most people that haven’t used VR or Augmented reality don’t realize the resolution of these is magnified with the lenses. For me the large pixels really kill the experience. Until we have 8k/16k per eye

I didn’t like either canidate and in the US it does not matter much who you vote for. It is the electoral college that picks the president. Our votes mostly count for smaller office positions in our own state. Coming from Chicago, the most crooked state in the US, it is hard to have hope for any canidate our votes do

As long as blacks are okay with saying it you are going to have other races continue emulate black culture and use it in the same ways they do. As long as you have rap albums that use it you are going to have to deal with other races singing the songs that use it. It doesn’t make sense if the black race is going to

I don’t think it matters how crazy he acts when he’s that rich. He doesn’t have to worry about a lot of things for the rest of his life. Lots of people end up depressed after gaining significant wealth because there is nothing to drive them. Probably trying to do something to give himself a rush.

Did their bevels get bigger?

I never said white privilege doesn’t exist. What I am talking about has nothing to do with white privilege. It is that me and my friends can see each other as equals and is not based off race. I don’t know why anyone would be mad at me. All I am stating is how my friends and me are to each other. The world is in a

When you say the rest of us you are referring to yourself and PC people like you. You do not speak for everyone else on the planet. I am sure me and my black friends are not the only people in the world who would disagree with you.