
He has done a lot for different charities and donated a lot to them as well, just google it. I think people need to stop associating the word nigger with the African American race. I’m the token white guy among my black friends and they tell me I’m their nigger all the time or they tell me I am being a nigger, they

Expected is the keyword.

I agree, It is a problem on both sides where we see violence these past few months by idiots on both sides. Such as what happened in Charlottesville against People on the left side against violence and discrimination and what happened this past week from people on the right side against violence and discrimination.

Let’s be honest here, both sides have people who are fucking crazy and both sides can be violent. If you don’t believe that you are fooling yourself. Violence and hate for one another just because some stupid label has been displayed throughout the year. This is not just a Republican thing or Democratic thing, it is a

Kudo’s on that one. I said what I did but I don’t think he will be a great president, I don’t know if he will be the worse either. I do know crime has finally started declining last month in Chicago though cause Emanuel is finally doing something about it because of Trump bringing it up constantly. I think power

For me for the past 3 years my insurance co-payment has gone up for doctor visits by $5 dollars each year. It use to be $10. It is now $25. Might not sound like a lot but if like me you visit the doctor often it adds up. Also every medication I am on has gone up by at least $8-$15 dollars. I also work in the medical

Was this in Chicago? I had a guy just like that and who was telling me one of his customers gave him Adderall. He kept driving down roads the wrong way and didn’t like 90 on the high way almost crashing into the median.

Where did I say I have not seen him do anything bad? You are the one that is clearly blind. I said I don’t see what he’s done so far to make him the worst president ever. I don’t know how the future turns out. To clarify things I was also not talking about his immature behaviour, cheating on his wives, intelligence or

Thank Obamacare.

I’m not a fan of Trump and am more in the middle. I don’t see what he has done so far to qualify him as the worst president ever. Sure, his personality sucks. He’s fired a lot of his staff members that sucked. But he’s still new. This is a click bait piece spun by the media. I understand most writers for Gizmodo are

How about put your flash drive in a lock box in the bank?

No, you can see when transactions leave a wallet and what address they go to. It’s just like electronic cash transactions but it is harder to tell who received the cash because you can’t always tell whose personal crypto wallet it went to. It is the same thing though if your personal wallet got stollen out of your

No, you can keep your wallet on your computer or a flash drive. The only time a connection to the internet is made is when your offline wallet connects to the internet and sends the info to the block chain that you sent money to someone else’s wallet. Then the block chain is updated with that info.

It’s the same as banks getting robbed. Like I said as long as the company is legit and has insurance Cryptos are fine. They will one day overtake cash. Russia is already working on a currency that uses the Ethereum block chain. It is not a niche. It is the future of currency.

It is like cash but safer. Basically you can print out a QR code for your wallet which when scanned with a wallet client you can send the money after entering a password.

You can save the wallet file on five flash drives if you are that afraid they will degrade. If you use the flash drive for just storing the wallet file and not using it daily there should not be anything to worry about. Also if you are paranoid you can print a paper wallet and make duplicates of it. Or if you do store

It is online wallets. People can keep their Cryptos on a flash drive in their home and it would be perfectly safe. It’s people storing this stuff on online server wallets that can get hacked. It’s like if I sent a million dollars to someone to hold on a server open to the public. That is why that shit gets hacked.

Where can something be stored larger than the universe but smaller than a TV?