
I think it is the same as The Arrow on CW, which they do the same effect for the DC based comic TV series.

How the fuck is this less than the developer version? I am pretty sure I remember them saying that the final version would cost less.

Yay for Facebook!!!

The compression artifacts still look bad on my 4k screen. Youtube is just not very good for video quality.

I imagine if my computer at home has multiple wifi cards or a wifi and cable connection to my router I could remote into that and control it. I am not sure how delayed that would be over a remote connection, hopefully the relay would be fast enough to not crash it. I have 100mbps internet both at work and home. hmm.

Can I remotely control this from my Wifi at home?

Another attribute to add to our genetically engineered children of the future.

That is some BS. I just ordered a 2 new ones at the end of November. It should be applied to all the new ones ordered.

That is some BS. I just ordered a 2 new ones at the end of November. It should be applied to all the new ones

Now we can have cyborgs that have consciousness and subconsciousness running simultaneously. Don’t know if that even makes sense but I tried.

This is Dangerous. What happens when they release the Mole People?

Steve’s head was cryogenically frozen so they could later download his consciousness from his brain to a computer. You won’t read about it online. Tim Cook and only a few others know about it.

I know it might not matter to most but the 3D animation looks horrible and fake for what can be done with today’s technology. It is easy to tell what is CGI and cut out from a blue screen. If they were going to go low budget with the CGI they should of just made everything CGI.

We are just a program built by a program who was built by a program who was built by a program. I can’t imagine the processing power the original machine has.


This looks like something I built in wood class in high school. WTF is this crap?


At least lag on Android is not as bad as it use to be. With newer phones it is almost non-existent... Almost

iSteve should of been the first one and the second iiSteve or iSteveS

For some reason these new Serif fonts annoy me.