
My Voltron was made of metal when toys were actually made out of quality instead of cheap ass plastics.

Yes, but high end glasses still are not worth as much and thieves don't really know when they are looking at highend glasses since they are run of the mill. These will also be much easier to get rid of then regular pair of glasses.

Has anyone gave any thought to who will stop people from ripping an expensive set of electronic glasses off your face in cities like Chicago and New York where we have problems with cellphones being snagged off of trains by thief's when people have them out in the open.

Wacom is coming out with a Tablet OS with a Wacom pressures Sensative pen. It's a bit different then the bamboo stylus. I want a power house tablet that will run 3d apps and Photoshop without issues. Not really concerned about the thickness. Wondering if Wacom can deliver since they have not given much information

Looks familiar..

Why is everyone creating these without stylus? They would be great for Photoshop and digital art. Still wondering what Wacom has up their sleeves for their tablet.

I better start getting that mars declaration ready to submit.


Ummm... yeah.. This reminds me of a drunk frat boy trying to rap.

Nice but not exactly functional.

I thought this was the castle from the Game of Thrones intro at first.

So does this thing do Sli?

I hate the thev****.com more. That site is even worse. I just want the latest news when I go to a site. Not the featured article I saw hours earlier or a bunch of crap cluttered together.

I stopped carrying a watch when I got a cell phone.

I will get this when android is supported. Don't want them pulling another Nike.

AVP for Jaguar system is probably the best Aliens game I have ever played.

Imagine what a Furby will do.

Martian finger, encapsulated in metal casing from some prehistoric liquid deposit volcanic eruption.

I guess this proves we do live in a computer, just a few different variables. . I believe this explains it. I will soon start my own religion based of these principals and we will all pray to the big programmer in the sky.