Tears Of A Crown


Fair enough. That is a candid and honest response. I read this article and the glib tone was just amazing to me. Let some homeless black man say any of these things or even have a sign to that effect and he is looking at jail if you look at what Hollaback was proposing.

If what was in the Hollaback video was Street

Now playing

The article was titled Fight Street Harassment With Training, Awareness and Legal Action When Fitting.

Please see this article by Holly Kearl, board member of Hollaback, and revisit your assertion.


Hollaback obscured their faces because the organization would have been sued

Show me the articles, any articles, where Jezebel called for criminalization of the behavior exhibited by these fraternities. I bet you can’t.

Why don’t white feminists give these type of banners the same urgent attention they gave that street harassment scam? You know, street harassment? The racist campaign to put low income, mentally ill and disenfranchised black men in jail for saying hello to a white woman in yoga pants?

Will white people(the liberal ones ;-) ) be upset if black Chris Rock does not make any Cosby jokes? I know it is REALLY important to white people that Chris Rock makes Cosby jokes. At least mean ones about Bill Cosby.

Wow. All these years. I thought black men were exclusively to blame for everything...especially the plight of black women in industries 100% controlled by white men. Are you telling me that white men, who barely care about white women, are indifferent to the pleas of black women?
I am 100% shocked at this turn of

Eddie Murphy has no interest in entertaining white people anymore.
Why are so many white people upset by this? The man is enjoying his money. This obsession with Murphy telling a Cosby joke is just as stupid as white people who were hurt that David Chappelle did not want their money to tell slavery jokes. Is this a

Why are white people so obsessed with seeing Eddie Murphy tell a Bill Cosby joke? You already own Hannibal Burress.


Black guy here. White news organizations love to throw out statistics that black women are more educated than black men. But they fail to mention how far black women lag in management and executive level positions.

White feminists are mad at Damon Wayans? Uh oh! Are they going to apply white supremacist/white feminist logic and punish/boycott all of the Wayans? The answer is yes. Look for Damon’s son to be on a white people apology tour for this father. Though I never heard Brolin senior apologizing for his son Josh Brolin in

This phenomena of black people who work for white entities doing hit pieces on other black people through those same entities is strange yet still familiar.

What a filthy and disgusting comment. So Terry Crews, a black man who has NOTHING to do with Mike Tyson has to be the one to sit out in protest? What is this strange fetish that white feminists have for punishing black males as a group? You white feminsts have the same view of black males as white male conservatives.

The hatred Will Smith's young children gets from white people has always seemed strange to me. They are fairly normal by modern teenage standards. What behavior would the white press like from these young black kids in order to feel comfortable? Thuggery? Buffoonery? Neither one of them, neither Willow nor Jaden, has

Looks like the chickens have come to roast for Mo''Nique. I guess playing the stereotypical mammy character did not get her much traction in liberal Hollywood. One would say she got used to promote an evil stereotype and then cast aside. Cry me a river. I feel no pity for anyone who allows herself to get used like

My point was that the street harassment scam, as perpetrated by this site and the mainstream media, made a point to depict street harassment as another means of de facto criminalizing black men. Those videos of white women being catcalled while walking amongst low income black areas and sometimes mentally ill, old

I found it strange that during the street harassment/hollaback scam and shakedown, that the main targets for enforcement were black men from economically deprived areas. 'Cause throwing more low income blacks in jail is a great solution. The hollaback scam artists did not go on bar crawls, where I have heard white men

Is ranting the code word for being a thug in the comments section? TeacherKaye's post was quite measured. Did you feel intimidated?

How is that Street Harassment/Hollaback hustle/scam working out for you people? Unfortunately, for you, footage and reports of black men getting killed for breathing kind of derailed that funding source. Maybe try again next summer? The NFL well may dry up soon!