It's like the joke about the only military the French can beat are other French?
It's like the joke about the only military the French can beat are other French?
Of all the ways and means Cersei had at her disposal to handle Ellaria and Don't Care merely poisoning the daughter and letting Ellaria have to suffer through watching it was really pretty even keeled.
Tyrion apparently didn't know Jon Snow was 1) Commander of the Night's Watch and 2) King in the North. The former might not have been very newsworthy, but the latter is since it involves the death of the previous Warden of the North. And it also features the Knights of the Vale getting into the fight. Something…
Are we talking books or show? Show I don't think there's been a lot of repeat drownings; Aeron (sp?) Greyjoy, aka Damphair, is a priest and the youngest Greyjoy brother. IIRC one of his first scenes was him doing their drowning ritual. In the books Damphair drowns himself multiple times as a test of his faith, he…
Euron was elected King of the Iron Islands. That whole scene when he was drowned and then wearing a crown of driftwood was his coronation. Yara and Theon went to Essos explicitly to get Dany's help to overthrow Euron and then Yara would rule the Iron Islands as Dany's vassal. The stormlands are probably just going…
Robert's claim to the throne was by a couple generation old relation to the Targaryens. Cersei has no legally legitimate claim to the throne. Her claim is a pure powerplay and daring anyone to challenger her, and her giant undead head-crushing monster.
In the book Euron is dismissive of the religion of the Iron Isles and is more about some weird amalgamation of self-worship and summoning Lovecraftian gods.
The Umbers didn't turn against Robb. Smalljon Umber brought Rickon to Ramsay as a gift to have any surviving Umbers held by the Freys eliminated so he could be the head of the House under the new Warden of the North. The Karstarks abandoned Robb, but after Robb had the head of house Karstark executed for his killing…
I'm not sure Native Americans would be much enthused…
Not just that, but on Maeve's tour they show the host who greeted William at the end of the promo video. In the video she is standing in the guess dressing room with the new WW logo. When she was in the room with William it was the Old WW Logo.
I think it does fit. The control room scene where they mention Dolores is talking about the current time she went off-script. That is the time when she goes out to the town with the fountain and speaks with the little girl who mentions the maze (for lack of a better anchor I refer to this as the MIB timeline when…
Bernard is talking with her about something that happened in the past. She shot the bandit, ran away and stumbled upon William because she was programmed to seek him out (he picked up the can). That was 30 year ago. Somehow Bernard found out about that incident and is asking Dolores about it in the present day.
Dolores had two scenes. She had one where she's speaking with the little girl on the fountain, then she's being questioned by the sheriff at the same fountain with no little girl.
I don't think the match lit it, so much as the match signaled the use of the pyro effect. He strikes the match, cuts to control receiving a pyro request, request approved, device explodes. The match wasn't just a match but also the signal to indicate he needs to use the explosive.