


Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.

I’m a Michigan fan, but I would almost certainly fuck every single Ohio State cheerleader, given the chance. Get your fucking priorities straight, man.

“Amateurs.” -Marvin Harrison

Kate’s improper use of “your” has forever killed my boner for her.

There are two types of people in this world, people who let their phone batter get down to 3%, and good people.

That 3% battery charge bothers me more than anything mentioned in the article.

Are you surprised he has the ball to do it?

I wonder if money was their only GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL?

Sanders McGregor 2020

So on the one hand, I’ve no longer got “Easy Street” stuck in my head from last weekend’s Walking Dead.

They support Briles for the same reason that self-proclaimed born-again Christians are willing to vote for a porn-loving casino magnate who molests women and defrauds creditors: he’s on Their Team.

Member when Jim Tressel found out about kids committing violations and knowingly lied to the NCAA about it, obstructed their investigation and then played kids he knew were ineligible anyway?

But everyone knows that money is more important than women. Why are you surprised?

Golden Tate with the Leg Lariat for the win!

That’s not the end of it! My sources tell me he won’t ever appear on Bill Simmons’s “Any Given Wednesday” again either.

Not relevant in overtime, but butt-jumped touchdown should be worth an extra point.


No fair. My heterosexual marriage doesn’t have any superpowers.