Team Punkass

In high school there was a guy w/ a 4 cylinder Camaro - he added a lot of stuff to make it look like an IROC, but once he started it up it was obvious.

My dad had an '85 notch just like that one, but black, and with the pitiful 2.3/auto. 88hp of fury!! It was eventually my first car - I so wish he had gotten the 5.0, but I might not be alive if he had.


the road looks pretty straight in this other picture.

lol. McGard makes some short ones with some hoopty looking "chrome" lug covers so I ordered em.

Sadly those are all too long for my WRX. I bought some McGard's that were 1.28" and they stuck out, my stock lug nuts are maybe .75"

My excuse for not riding a motorcycle any more is I fell once at low speed and it hurt a lot - even with a riding jacket and only going down at 10mph, my shoulder was fubar'd for a few months. I also don't have a garage so I had to have a storage unit for it, and had to park my car a decent walk from the unit.

lol thanks. I had a picture attached to the first post, but I guess Nibbles nibbled my knob. That fucking whore.

Billt parts you have to touch just suck.

I always thought NJMP was part of Englishtown - my mistake.

Now playing

From Long Island, NJMP is the closest track (drag or road course).

definitely - much m ore boobs :)

2012 BOSS 302 - Because Sorta Race car

She's my favorite type of girl - smart, cute, and into breaking stuff

Can I street sweep over people? Because all I'm interested in doing is bringing a little GTA chaos to the clean streets of Video Game Ville.

I would guess that's the Southern State Parkway - not really a place for that kind of bullshit. NYPD does not have authoirty over Long Island Parkways - it's State patrolled ;)

That's what amazes me about the youth of today - they have no problem posting their illegal stupidity on the internet, even after numerous people have been busted for doing just that.

For me it's Mythbusters. They've done a number of car related myths/stories, and there's a lot of explosions. Plus Kari Byron.