MIATA - My Insides Are Torn Apart - to fit in the the whole "Miatas are gay" crowd.
MIATA - My Insides Are Torn Apart - to fit in the the whole "Miatas are gay" crowd.
I would do it lol I just wonder how it is tracking with the GPS phone - really how far from the take off spot mainly. I don't want to go to jail if this unmanned wang ship lands in some school yard ;)
I guess it's technically unmanned
nothin but win!
This has inspired me.
I better go apologize to my boss :)
1. Buy Golf R in US
I still have the copy of my driver's test from May 8, 1990. The tester noted "Has excellent control of the car" which I was proud of :)
That person needs to lose their license
That episode was replayed last week, awsomeness.
I had the phone down on my leg and just snapped a ton of pictures in the hopes one would come out decent since I didn't want to be obvious. I think I cropped it to get it look this close.
That's what I'm saying lol. I'm sure driving an F40 is an awesome experience, but nothing tops "teh sex0rz"
Could these exotic cars that just go up in flames actually have a soul? Perhaps they think "Here I am, this awesome performance machine made of exotic materials with tons of power, first class suspension pieces, and this fuckwad is simply driving me to his lunch appointment with a group of similar douche bags? I CAN'T…
even then it's only a single 1/4 mile pass every 3 weeks lol
He lived good as many criminals do, and as many criminals have found out that life doesn't go on forever.
I agree - 283 miles in 21 years is a waste of a completely awesome car
nice! My mom had a brown '79 2 door Corolla when I was a kid
I'm 5'6" so I never really have a problem with space, but a while back I was sitting next to this larger gentleman, and he was overflowing into my seat to the point that I literally had maybe 80% of my seat for myself and had to lean against the window to be comfortable. It was a full flight, and thankfully only a 45…
I believe so except for the rear bumper and nose