
So where's the video so we can judge for ourselves?

Why don't they just tax cigarettes and booze like they normally do?

So the opinions and feelings of a demographic should be dismissed based on their gender and race?


These hissy music and copyright threads keep showing up for some reason, no one on this site seems to have any clue how it works.

Partially. He promised a revolution and gave them business as usual.

He did on that point.

What's the difference?

Sanders got booed when he told supporters to vote for Clinton.

Bernie supporters already believe Bernie sold them down the river.

So you think Hillary will get a bump off this cluster fuck of a convention?

So is this like a hip 70's Hamilton?

Because that isn t what happened.

After the boring RNC this shit show is going to be helluva fun to watch.

Only Jezebel would celebrate bank robbers for no other reason than they are women.

It's unimaginable that this morning CNN has trump up 4 points on Clinton.

For gods sake how much did Reynolds get paid to write this fluffer...

The Jews?

I thought it got cancelled.

There is nothing funnier than gawker media complaining about plagiarism