
I have had sleep apnea for 20 years (since I was a teenager) - have always stopped breathing and gasping in my sleep. I am also Bipolar... and it sounds stupid, but I never really bothered with treatment, and didn’t want to wear the CPAP.

are there alternatives to the CPAP though? I have always stopped breathing in my sleep and have it, but have left it ignored mostly because I don’t want to wear the mask. My husband too. Sexy couple we are. :D

It did come through, and it was excellent! And thanks for the un-grey! It is frustrating though... when trying to have a discussion that is nuanced, people being black & white in general (yes, yes, I am aware that I am on the Internet, but Jaz is where I come for more thought-out discussion). There are things we all

I have never visited kimoji.com before. It is actually quite funny. In the context of the other products I am going to say “meh, it’s funny”.

The one with the least makeup :-)

I am curious to know how it is unearned? What is the definition of “work”? Yes, they started from a good position in life, but if it were easy to build an empire like that, everyone would.

I think the mistake is assuming that those who celebrate their good points are blind to their problematic ones. I for one find them fascinating. There’s really no-one like them and it would be a very interesting PhD.

also for the love of God I have been here for 5 years. When will I get out of the greys :-(

I am one of those people, both as a business owner AND a card carrying feminist. These women are enviable at marketing, PR & business. They make a living from makeup and hair — so? There are still aspects of them that are badass.

Not to mention that it may have been pitched at her/storyboarded in a fairly innocuous, less offensive way and then post-production and the in-house “agency” and the eternal committee of enterprise fucked it up.

I actually forgot that that had happened and that I was so distressed by it. Then I saw the trailer and went “oh yeah” and hysterically bawled all over again. Now I am sad.

I am the same. It’s like Boston Legal. Sometimes, you just have to not be offended all the time and enjoy some problematic, but ultimately harmless, fun.

Thanks - it is useful for the US diversity, probably not South East Asia — but it is good to see something new - thank you!

^^^^^^^^^^ This. No Agency would have advised this.

I can’t help but philosophise a little on this though, and wonder if the internet had been around for this ad when it first aired, would it have had the same fate? We have the benefit of hindsight now, to see the Coke ad with the nostalgia lens... and I am not minimising the clusterfuck that was this strategy... but I

as someone on the delivery side, who is white, it is very, very hard to execute in a meaningful way because of this ^^^^^. The corporate approval process is bigger than the individuals in it and is its own beast...

I kind of love it too. Mostly as a case study in committee advertising. Can you imagine the conversations that led up to this ad... lol.

This is just that good ol’ horse that became a camel... I empathise with the team and am certain there’s a story behind this clusterfuck - there always is. It’s easy on the outside to judge, but I can guarantee you someone got a Powerpoint deck that said “we want to pitch to the “socially-conscious” Millennials and

This is exactly what would’ve happened. I have a small Agency that is *just* getting bigger clients, and it takes ovaries of steel to stand up to the client when they are your livelihood.

I don’t know if it is that deliberate. I heard that Pepsi took this one in-house and it wasn’t their Agency that did it... and knowing what I know about working with the big guys in this business... that ‘concept horse’ would have become a camel without the Agency pushing back... a lot.