sorry, didn’t know... spent 4 years trying to get out of the greys, don’t punish me lol
sorry, didn’t know... spent 4 years trying to get out of the greys, don’t punish me lol
I suppose we need to accept that there are dumbasses on every side. I think a sign of intelligence is being able to reflect, hear opposing views and synthesise them with your own.
lol you know they’re like 45 and have kids and wives and stuff right... I am sure they started that way, but people grow up.
This. I think they are brilliant at uncomfortable comedy. Then again, Stanhope/Carlin fan here so... there are people who just don’t have a dark sense of humour I guess... and that’s okay.
I dunno, I thought it was fairly cringey, and challenging... but... they do kind of also have a point. I am pretty much the epitome of the SJW, and even I can have a laugh at the intensity in which Tumblr teens and Bernie Bros go off sometimes. It makes me sad that we aren’t allowed to laugh at ourselves anymore.
This. This is exactly the SJW stereotype that South park take on. And as a fairly proud SJW myself, but also older... geez... are we really that fragile now?
I feel the same way. What I enjoy about South Park, and always have, is that they walk that line so delicately. They have me laughing at the wrongness, but also reflecting on my own views a lot.
lol I have hope. Don’t give me hope. I cannot deal with any hope for the next week, until I know everything is okay.
lol 4 years here :-/
I had the same thing here in Australia, moving from Perth to Sydney.
All of this. Brogrammers ugh. It’s why I work for myself and now hire programmers without shitty attitudes... I was a consultant CMO for a bit this year and went in-house for the client, and despite being same seniority, it always felt like the kids’ table. Because Marketing & UX is for the girls, donchya know?
account suspended.... wonder why...
I think you need to give it more of a shot as the supporting characters play more of a role, and the Lorelais are characters you tolerate for the rest of them. Especially as they develop Emily.
wasn’t it because English was/is Alexis Blidel’s second language or something? I vaguely remember something about her needing a coach? I can imagine that rapid fire dialogue in an American accent can’t be easy - especially for her first role, in anything (I believe)
they lost me at an almost 50 year old man still wearing plaid shirts and a baseball cap. I mean dude, c’mon.
She has the jowl face. The women in my family look great and young for their age, and then they hit late 40s and BLAMMO, we’re a bull dog.
Nar, I watched it for the first time last year and finished a few months ago, and enjoyed it immensely. Mostly for Kirk and Taylor. Because Kirk and Taylor. And Emily, who is such an amazing and complex, and funny character... despite being painted as the enemy.
This. They do not know when to end a joke. I think if they shortened most sketches by 2/3, their pacing would be better. I suppose it is now kind of a signature format that they wouldn’t change, but it has always been my frustration - the overtagging.
I have to be honest - I came to Jez for some sanity, because I was trying to figure out why I found this so funny. Aside from some isolated incidents and the *potential* for it to go badly... it all just seems like a big prank that appeals very much to my misanthropic humour. Am I missing something?