There is just so much “yuck” in these rebound/PDAs/texting/exes/writing songs dramas with Gwake when you realise that these folks are adults in their 40s. Gwen, Blake, Miranda, dude, we get it. Been there. But stop. Seriously.
There is just so much “yuck” in these rebound/PDAs/texting/exes/writing songs dramas with Gwake when you realise that these folks are adults in their 40s. Gwen, Blake, Miranda, dude, we get it. Been there. But stop. Seriously.
I don’t know a lot about the VP thing (is this possible?), but I think we know the answer: Hilary/Sanders ticket or Sanders/Hilary ticket. I think that despite the current need to polarise, they’d work really well together and complement each other politically.
I am a little perplexed how these single aspects of their identity seem to be eclipsing their policies. Yes, they represent groups of people and have different experiences. But honestly, everything wrong with American Politics is this discussion of whether we vote for “the woman” or “the Jew”.... not the well-rounded…
I got banned permanently for posting a picture of my broken ankle. Which also,as it turns out completely freezes out your device from the app, meaning you can’t sign up again unless you wipe your phone. So, boohoo.
that said, “Worn out catcher’s mitt of a snatch” is my new favourite go-to phrase. #sorrynotsorry
I have often been “Kanye is trolling us all, just leave him be and laugh it off”, but this week I have really become concerned. I never armchair diagnose anyone based on anything, but... this ain’t right.
He was also a pall bearer/spn (I think) for Fran in the Gilmore Girls. Because re-watching.
I have a feeling that there is a potential solution to his money woes embedded in this comment. Finger Kanye for $10k a pop.
I thought it was pretty normal, pre-release, to be in debt for the record, then make it back after the release. It sounds more like he is self-funding production etc.
There is also Bipolar II, which often goes diagnosed/misdiagnosed for many, many years after presentation. I think Kanye maybe BP2...
Unless they have a reality show where creating drama is a mainstay.
It has been presenting for a while now. Whether he accepts and deals with it is another matter entirely.
Yes. This.
That’s not fair. Not everyone grew up with emotionally healthy parents, or good cultural influences that said it as okay to have healthy boundaries. This strikes to the heart of feminism - that we are told certain myths about our role in society.
They absolutely are, but they are also necessary. The “because of a small amount of assholes, men have to suck it up” argument. It just is.
It also reeks of the “Netflix and Chill” culture, where guys feel like they can just order sex online without having to put in any effort, or pay for sex like a non-asshole.
I don’t know what guys these are, but my ex (for unrelated reasons) would be embarrassed to use my card instead of his at dinner. One night he forgot his and had to use mine. It was kind of cute how embarrassed he was and still wanted to hand it to the waiter.
Same. I married just out of high school, divorced at 30, binge-dated non stop for 2 years, met someone who destroyed me, have been single since. Really don’t see a future where someone fits into my life anymore, because I like being free.
It’s a really tough balance between naivete/desperation/stupidity though, and giving the benefit of the doubt early on. I think the problem is girls are taught that having boundaries makes them a bitch.