yeah, because, meh, in the event that happens, it’s not like they can’t afford orthodontics. Yeesh.
I know it’s bad, but one has to fall on their sword. This battle will continue until they are adults. There will be no money left, and their children will just resent the hell out of them. I say from experience - Kelly should let him win. The kids are well looked after. Enjoy her freedom when she has it, take his free…
Exactly. It becomes complicated when parents live in other countries or states, because the 50/50 preference (which is fantastic), becomes a logistical nightmare.
That is a generalisation/myth that needs to stop. I know that look, like “what’s wrong with you?”. Nothing. Nothing is wrong with me. I earn more than him. I am fine. He’s just an asshole and I refused to engage in a court battle.
I think it’s hard in any case where one parent is trying and the other parent is nasty. I just feel for them all - him, her, the children... I was not on the receiving end of an International battle, but definitely an Interstate one. I walked away from the fight. And even then, people still don’t understand how I…
I think that should be a reality show.
But isn’t it more about the awkwardness, that as a “famous dude” who has irredeemably unattractive qualities, still gets female attention for God knows what reason? I always thought that that was the point.
Yeah, I have to be honest... I think it should have been left in the finale with him & Pamela in the tub. I am rubbing my hands together with glee at Pamela Adlon having a show. I absolutely love her to pieces and want to be her when I grow up.
LOL@ Stanhope. He really is the greatest shitstirrer in the world.
I only just found out that they were married and it makes me love both of them so much more than I ever thought possible.
Seriously, the Relax+ apps are the best thing to go to sleep with. Makes all the difference and I actually miss it when I don’t do it.
It’s actually a legit thing for me too. I was depressed for so many years and got the point where I was actually disappointed that I woke up. I do a lot of work on mindfulness & positivity and learning to see each day as the day I am going to be awesome.
LOL! I stopped using my phone as an alarm only because, when I had a job (that rarely happens as I prefer freelancing), the boss would be up at 6am checking emails & planning his day, which means that at 6am, my phone would start binging with meeting invites. *shudder*
I read this article in my first-thing Feedly ritual. Irony, I has it.
Melatonin is the shit. Helps us with the broken circadian rhythms so much.
I used to be like that - never in bed before 3am. I have my own business and hours so I can easily end up keeping whacky hours.
Yay, again, for big businesses who profit from spec work, where the “prize” is 50c a word. I suppose there’s a benefit to a network like this, for people who blog for free, but the fact that the online magazines that would ordinarily pay writers... I dunno about this one.
lol seriously, I don’t have millions of dollars and I don’t scrub my own toilets. I find it funny how lots of people get self righteous about having cleaners etc when many middle-class families do too. Anyway not singling you out, just been having this thought over this...
I dunno, I think Gwen maybe just had enough. You get the sense that he has been an emotionally unavailable mess who always had one foot out - Gwen’s albums are proof of it. I suppose she just reached a point where she was like “dude, you’re 50”.