
...lol? No, really, people who are playing the entire game and then getting a refund, *especially* if they claim to have liked the game, are bad people. It’s not as if they’re paying huge sums of money and getting a 2 hour game; Summer of ‘58 costs $9.

These people are shitty people, and all of your attempts to justify

So do we call one of these a Pokimono?

This review is proof that spoilers are actually good.

The key word is “may”, which suggests the traumatic and disturbing content isn’t always going to happen. As the article says, it appears to be optional. When in reality, it is unavoidable. Remove that word and the in-game content warning is sufficient.

Cyberpunk explicitly mimicked a series of flashing lights designed to inflict seizures on epileptic people and didn’t provide any warning about it; that’s just slightly different from “Video games are made of lights that flash” and saying that it isn’t is at best disingenuous (but mostly just a very stupid thing to

Using “this game may include references to” as a preface to the content it’s warning about in Boyfriend Dungeon is about as accurate as saying this jar of peanut buttermay have been produced in a facility that also processes nuts” as its allergy warning. It’s not just the crux of the story, but the foundation on

I read it more as “Original content warning underplayed how central the more difficult themes were to the story, and most people are asking for an updated content warning explaining that those themes are a central part of the main story, since the game is marketed as a mostly-lighthearted romp. A few people want the

Well cool, thanks for squashing the image Kinja.

As someone who owns multiple current-gen dev kits (for actual development) the worst part about them is that they don’t play retail games. It’s an entirely artificial restraint designed to make them unattractive to consumers and hackers, as well as prevent reverse engineering of retail code using dev tools (which

From a Forbes article last year:

But only the opinion of those rich stock holders matter because they own exponentially more of the stock than us normals. Those retirement fund’s first mandate is to make the numbers go up. They have zero incentive to attempt to make moral changes at companies they invest in. They don’t care about workers, or even the

This was an investor call with the handful of big institutions that control a large amount of shares and can singe handily make a material impact on the stock price. Including those firms that manage all those retirement accounts. Obviously no one is talking about us rank and file retail investors with no real power.

Excuse my wall of text and assumption of knowledge, but if you’re willing...it helps if you dig a little deeper into the symbology of this episode. Serling was really interested in discussing what humanity’s place is in the world and what responsibilities humans have to that world. So, you as a viewer might view Bemis

If you’re going to use the brand name to draw in players then it’s going to be judged as part of the brand. Anybody expecting similarities between what the brand has been known to be will be disappointed.

Sure worked for those C&C and Dungeon Keeper mobile games.

But where’s the lie?

This looks like those fake mobile game ads they use to trick people into downloading even worse mobile games.

To clarify here:

1. It’s important to note that the only thing they’re refuting is that the profit margin is larger than the original Switch. Bloomberg’s estimates may be accurate, Nintendo’s just saying that’s the profit margin they’ve had all along.

It’s always really sad to see a good point made in the most unnecessarily inflammatory and obnoxious way possible.