The whole idea of “dangerous Russian spy” made more sense during the Cold War, when you’d imagine a Russian would have to work pretty hard to blend in with Americans to have any influence on them.
The whole idea of “dangerous Russian spy” made more sense during the Cold War, when you’d imagine a Russian would have to work pretty hard to blend in with Americans to have any influence on them.
“You fight a lot of robots” isn’t really the greatest criticism. “You fight a lot of robots with a mediocre combat system” is the actual problem.
However, in these days, people hear “beta” and think “demo”.
I suppose it made more sense when she was created, back in the actual cold war. The whole “former KGB agent” thing makes less sense as time goes on and her age remains the same.
Plus, there’s shit like New Mutants. In which Sunspot, a character who is supposed to be Afro-Brazillian in the comics, is played by a white guy in the movie because the Director/co-writer didn’t care much about colorism and wanted someone who “looked rich”.
Jesus CHRIST Ubisoft, what the hell is wrong with you?! I went into this article assuming it would just be a case of them using something a graphic or imagery similar to the raised-fist in a poorly thought out or negative context that somebody should have noticed and scrapped ahead of time. But the fact that the whole…
There was no coincidence or mistake, the game’s plot is clearly ripped from the headlines. “Violent anarchists” co-opting a revolutionary movement is more right wing nonsense. Any chance you guys can do an article looking into the recent wave of fascist games? Call of Duty and Tom Clancy were always right wing…
Username checks out.
Yes. It was brought to my attention by one woman i follow and seemingly all the other women I follow commented under it wondering what year it was.
There’s a right way and a wrong way to do inclusivity.
bit ironic for you to whine about someone else having a schtick, eh?
Cry harder, bootlicker.
I really try not to swear but I have to say something. F*** this president, f*** his followers, and f*** those who either stay neutral or defend their actions.
It’s a bit more subtle and hurtful than that. A lot of kids from other cultures are bullied relentlessly for eating “weird” foods, and a lot of them give up or insist to their families that they can’t eat those foods anymore, which creates an internal spiral of hurt. It is particularly bad for immigrant or first…
I’m 100% supportive of this. Being trans isn’t a spoiler and it’s beyond disheartening to see people behave as though it is. Treating it that way sensationalizes the moment of “discovery” just as you outlined.
Hi, since I’m seeing lots of talk about whether the headline/image are a spoiler, here’s my thinking on that: it’s only a spoiler if you look at Lev being trans as something that’s meant to be a surprise or some kind of dramatic reveal. Years upon years of trans storylines have taught us this (think: The Crying Game,…
Because they have.
You can determine the subculture someone belongs to by their speech, that is carried through by the cadence, word choice, and other similar markers. If you paid attention enough, you could even pinpoint which part of certain cities people come from by how they talk. You may not personally be processing this…
And thus forcing everyone to be a participant in a confrontation not of their own making.