
I agree with you and for unrelated reasons would like to know more about these murder podcasts.

FUCK. I have two coworkers who do this whenever we get an order from a Chinese or Chinese-descent customer. It’s fucking in infuriating, and they don’t see anything wrong with it.


The artist doesn’t need a smoking paper trail, just to prove that the works are substantively similar. And they are, to the point where you can overly the drawings on one another and several of them are identical.

There’s actually a doctrine for how much a thing must be altered before the original copyright no longer applies. It’s not a strict line and open to very open to judicial interpretation, but this absolutely meets the standards allowing the artist to sue Kohl’s.

Why can’t these companies just pay the artist for their work fairly?

Copyright applies automatically to an image as soon as you create it. Literally ANY image you could possibly come up with. Doesn’t matter if you sell it on Etsy. If you find someone copying your work, you can take legal action against them.

I can also imagine it doesn’t look great for someone working in an exclusive celebrity residence, where privacy is valued, to at best break that privacy and speak to the press, and at worst look incompetent for saying, “Mais oui, I was working the night one of our guests was assaulted and robbed.”

Let’s not fight.

I’m hoping for hats.

Everyone I know who isn’t being driven broke by childcare lives near their relatives who are willing to take on having the kids while the parents work. If you don’t have retired, helpful parents, you’re screwed. Even if you have friends who are willing to help (and there are!), they also have jobs and can’t take on

He would never have dared to ask me to make him coffee. I was a studio hand, not a 1960s secretary. At one point he wanted me to transition into that role and I said no. He could hire someone else to do that work but I was an artist, not a coffee maker.

I definitely think it’s a job thing, because companies will comp work flights and they usually bump it to business class. Happened all the time when my mom worked for Ford. She was the only woman traveling with a group of men, and that’s only because she spoke 4 languages.

A significant number of people see nothing wrong with this shit. I used to work for a douchebag who one day had a rant about flight attendants. There was a new story about age/weight discrimination against women working as flight attendants and he had to tell us, his two female assistants, about how airlines should

I love the idea that as long as you got hired, you’ll never face bias again. You got the job, lady, that means there will be no gender bias now!

Here is, I think, this issue: It shouldn’t be on the women to change themselves because this only props up the system that allows for the discrimination.

No wonder he thinks all we need to success is to become genderless, featureless cubes.

“As a reader, I appreciate a book when I don’t know the author’s gender and haven’t formed a concrete image of him or her.”