
Actually according to the usage timeline it really started picking up usage in the early 1800s then kind of cooled off in the early 1900s with a slight bump in usage around the 1920s then cooled off for a while up until the 1980s where the usage of themself had started to have an uptrend in usage and it hasn’t gone

Seemed to work for “Stranger Things”.  I know...not a movie...but still...

Though fictional, the White Lotus chain is IP, as is Hogwarts or Narnia.

“I survey the room carefully, then RACK FOCUS to TRUMAN calling me a ‘cry-baby’ to my face. Deeply insulted, I SMASH CUT to myself, crying like a baby.”

If it helps, I mentioned it as the first comment, but then I’m in the greys.

Funny there is no mention either of the dozens directors and other creatives DeNiro’s Tribecca Film Festival has provided visibility to since the festival started in the early 2000s

That scene hooked me forever to this show.

See also how Ruby did Oswald.

“French hours” is a term used in the film and television industries for when there is no break for lunch during a film shoot. Instead food is passed around all day long and the crew works continuously.

I saw Dogtooth first, and I much preferred it toKilling of a Sacred Deer. Deer was too dire. Dogtooth was fun. I like his funnier stuff.

I’m glad I gave him another shot after The Lobster, which for some reason I utterly despised. Loved Killing of a Sacred Deer and The Favourite.

There is a great “How Did This Get Made?” Episode where Patton Oswalt passionately goes to bat for War Zone and Lexi Alexander is in the episode genuinely shocked by some of the critiques of the film’s over the top violence that she points out all came from the comics. Plus, Ray Stevenson is awesome in just about

Thank you - of the few books I’ve listened to on this (including Sam Kean’s entertaining ‘The Bastard Brigade’), the Nazis were not in the running for the most part, although that won’t make entertaining cinema.  I see that they’ve cast Heisenberg so expect we’ll see some fluff up of that storyline.

And maybe ,possibly killed herself (but was a Commie and the Feds might have done it) so we get frowny faced Flo again

I don’t see it as “the bomb wouldn’t have been created without Oppenheimer” so much as “the bomb wouldn’t have been created by the Allies before other forces created it.”  That gives a bit more credence, in my mind, to Oppenheimer’s overall importance in our timeline.

By large organizations, you must mean the Grammys? 

It’s not black slang, that person completely made that up. 

I’ve never been a fan of the tree scene in the original, but I would otherwise consider OG Evil Dead as a perfect film. The 2013 remake was ok, and the lack of a tree scene was a strength... until I saw the Unrated version which puts it back in.

Most shocking thing about that tweet is that they’ve heard of woketards in Algeria! The dumbfucks have become an international embarrassment.

Well, if you’re some 43 year old welder who’s never been more than 40 miles from Terre Haute, Indiana, I don’t know why you would care about Algeria. I think that goes for most people in the world, actually, that they don’t really give a shit about anything happening more than three towns over.

I grew up in the Midwest