
Don’t leave out the horribly under baked villain.

Agree. Del Toro’s new vampire hybrids were interesting (and clearly served as his inspiration for The Strain), but the movie wasn’t anywhere near as good as the previous film. The first is moody and interesting, with a lot of cool action. The sequel was CGI fights and Goth Hipster Vampires fighting other Hobo

I didn’t believe you, but you showed me.

They were being sarcastic. I thought that was pretty clear.

None of the Ocean’s movies???  And I mean, it likely depends on your demographic (age mostly I’d say), but Varsity Blues is a legitimately fun/entertaining coming of age movie.

Portman is the UR manic pixie dream girl though.

An odd attempt at a tie-in that had a fun result that I just learned about: Jurassic Park and Transformers.

Colin Farrell’s facial reaction, as Padraic, after Colm tells him “I don’t like you” early in the movie is practically worth an Oscar all by it self.

Did you ever watch Fern Gully? Same goddamn plot.


Didn’t it start with his afterlife, before transitioning into him being sent back to earth and then just gladiatoring throughout history?

in the wokester justice system, there is no higher court than the court of public opinion except when it rules against the wokesters

I think Scream is more killable than Texas, because it’s more tied to the specific characters/actors in it. They’re already taking a risk losing Neve Campbell.

He’s survived at least 10 more years than what I thought. 

i am convinced he has no pages

Good, plenty of time to refocus on writing books....you know...what got you where you are GR&R.  And by books I don’t mean any of that Wild Card crap.

“Oh, and did I forget Winds of Winter? No, of course I didn’t. But if I ever did, I know you folks will remind me.”

I always felt it was more strange that anyone who enjoyed GoT until B&B messed it up were claiming they didn’t want to see a new GoT show without their involvement.

I’m frustrated by how long The Winds of Winter has taken, but sweet jeebus, I find the amount of whining the internet does about it to be even more annoying.

I’m still flabbergasted that everyone jumped on board another GoT show. Like I personally thought the last season was okay but I had zero interest...”